The journey from there to here
Maybe you guys can get me on as head writer
Published on February 25, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events


So Lorne Michaels isn't looking for a new head writer for SNL. But, as I dream, I would like to present the following skit suggestions for SNL. I bet ratings would go up, if only from outraged viewers looking at the advertisers to ban the show. I might put up more series, but here are the first two.

(fade to SNL set, Gideon is on the bench in judicial robes. caption states: "Michael Jackson jury selection")

Horatio Sanz enters wearing a Michael Jackson "zipper jacket", circa 1984. He wears a white rhinestone glove on one hand, has jeri-curled hair, and the open jacket reveals a NAMBLA TShirt underneath. I haven't come up with the script yet, but he is interviewed by Rachel Dratch as to whether he can be objective, as he promises he can and will, while using Michael Jackson song lyrics in references to all his answers.

OK...idea 2 (fade to hospital room. Caption states: "intensive care unit, St. whatsit's [gid's note: too tired to google to get the name of the hospital] hospital, Vatican City").

A bunch of cardinals surround the pope. One manipulates the pope's arm, another is quite obviously manipulating his mouth as the bed is positioned upright containing an obviousluy unconscious pope. The cardinals speak various "edicts" for the pope, including such suggestions as marriage for the priests, sainthood for Michael Jackson, and a PS2 and HDTV for the "rumpus room" in Vatican City. This would be a good potential "lead in" skit, as it could finish with the trademark opening line.

So, whaddya think? should Lorne gimme the job?

on Feb 25, 2005
I'd like to see those skits done, but only if SNL does them justice (the last Michael Jackson skit I saw on there wasn't funny at all! How could somebody screw that up? It's Michael Jackson!). It's a shame that Saturday Night Live has gotten so bad lately (All That!'s funnier!). I do hope they get better soon, because I want to watch it again, because Tina Fey is hot!
on Feb 25, 2005
because Tina Fey is hot!

You betchyerass she is....I wait for Weekend Update all week. Those sketches would be great, by the way.

My favorite sketch of recent times was the "Colonel Angus" sketch, with Christopher Walken from a couple years ago. I cried when I saw it.

Walken played a beloved old Southern gentleman named, of course, Colonel Angus. The female characters would talk about how special and great Colonel Angus was, and how, "once you've experienced Colonel Angus, nothing else will do."
Now, what made this hi-larious was the fact that they were all speaking with southern accents, and, when spoken quickly and in a southern accent, "Colonel Angus" comes out sounding like "cunnilingus" (look it up)

When Colonel Angus repsonded to the question "Where ya headin' colonel?" with "I'm-a headin' south."....I just about died.
on Feb 25, 2005
Um, Gid, don't call us, we'll call you.

Tina Fey is very hot. How dare she go and get married!

Rightwinger is right; "Colonel Angus" was one of the best of all time.

For the most part, I think SNL is doing good right now. If you want to see really bad SNL check it out from the early 80's right after the original cast left. Now that sucked.
on Mar 01, 2005
Rightwinger is right; "Colonel Angus" was one of the best of all time.

It was an example of one of those sly ways they get around the censors, and that's what makes it so great.
on Mar 01, 2005
Gideon, we should forget SNL and join forces!! Combine your ideas for Michael Jackson's jury and Pope's new "edicts" with my "Let There Be Light" ad,Link and "Rush Limbaugh Weight Loss Pill" parody,Link we'd leave the talentless SNL masses in the dust! ;~D

BTW, a great addition to your Michael Jackson jury idea:

Have the final jury be made up of a Priest, Boys Scout Leader, YMCA manager, Rep. Barney Frank, "Kinko the Clown"... (you get the picture)... then have you as "Gideon on the bench" review the jury and state:

"It took some doing, but I see we finally have a jury of the defendant's peers!"
on Mar 01, 2005
How about one a buddy and I once wrote for an assisted-suicide drug called "Enditol"?
on Mar 01, 2005
Have the final jury be made up of a Priest, Boys Scout Leader, YMCA manager, Rep. Barney Frank, "Kinko the Clown"... (you get the picture)... then have you as "Gideon on the bench" review the jury and state:

"It took some doing, but I see we finally have a jury of the defendant's peers!"

LOL...I LOVE IT! Let's get them cameras rolling!
on Mar 01, 2005
How about one a buddy and I once wrote for an assisted-suicide drug called "Enditol"?

I think we're on a roll...SNL, look out!