My neighbor's grandson is putting his application in for the town marshall's position. Now, he's a good cop as far as I know, but his big issue is drugs.
The thing is, he knows I'm a Libertarian.
While one the one hand, I hope he does get the marshall's position (I can see benefits to my children once they are teenagers having a good rapport with the town cop), I also know that it would be a bad idea to invite him over to the house regularly.
Why? Well, even though my stoner days are long behind me, I still buy the occasional copy of "High Times". I don't do drugs, I don't encourage people to do drugs; in fact, I think that the majority of drug use qualifies as intentional stupidity, I DO have strong feelings against the drug laws in this country. Add to the aforementioned publication my frequent Libertarian Party mailings, and you have enough probable cause for a search to make a young cop drool.
Now don't get me wrong. There's nothing a probable cause search of the house would turn up (with the possible exception of seizing of all my garden seedlings for testing...which could be costly). But that's not the issue. The issue is the fact that many individuals in this country have gone after drugs with a rabid zeal that applies harsh penalties to a practice that is FAR less offensive than the penalties for more serious infractions (let's see....beat someone within an inch of their life, get five years, carry an ounce of pot, get 60....hmmm?). The issue is also existence within a small town where even the inevitable exoneration (assuming he's not crooked, which I really don't think he is) would set tongues to wagging for the rest of our lives and then some.
One of the problems stems from the caricaturization by Ann Coulter among others, of the LP as being a "one issue" party. It is not, and in fact, is far from it. Most Libertarians I have known are, in fact, NOT potheads (if there WAS a "one issue" to the LP, it would probably be gun or property rights....but even those I don't see a prevalence of one over the other). Being a Libertarian carries with it the almost carte blanche search implications that being a communist carried in the 1950's. The resultant actions of law "enforcement" officials have led to many violations of individual rights...and all because the person DARED to speak their mind about a perceived injustice.
Ah, well. If he gets the job, maybe I can go the "fun" route....and dry and bag a bunch of oregano just to keep him hoppin'