Now, don't get me wrong. I struggle with my weight, so this is kinda personal, but something has really been irking me lately.
I have a friend who has had recurrent problems with his gallbladder. Put simply, it needs to be removed. The problem? The doctors won't perform the surgery because he is too large.
This man has always been a large man, even in his youth. While his eating habits are less than optimal, if you know anything about health, you would understand why diabetes and Congestive Heart Failure happen to be limiting factors in his quest to lose weight. But the larger issue here is the blatant misunderstanding of the Hippocratic Oath.
Until some 20-30 years ago, many doctors refused to perform surgeries or tests on the older population, reasoning that their health problems were simply "old age". When that mindset changed, guess what? So did the average life expectancy. Now we reach a point where I'm inclined to ask if SOME of the shortened life expectancy among the obese isn't because of doctors who refuse to work on patients, reasoning that all their health problems are due to them being "too fat".
I'm hoping this mindset changes as well.