The journey from there to here
Published on February 16, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

I want to further elaborate on my blog yesterday. No, I'm not apologizing, no I'm not taking back anything I said. But I feel an elaboration is in order.

Shades, in some small way you're right (not exactly right, but close enough). I'm not exactly projecting, but I have been tiptoeing around certain topics here on the blogsite because there are some fragile emotions involved. And I don't want to make a comment that I would regret for sometime to come.

I could give some good answers to some of the questions that are being asked...but there are personal reasons why I'm holding back. Frankly, I've always tried to hold to a standard of respect for my fellow bloggers that is atypical of online communiocation, I know, but...I know there are real people "at the other end", and that there are things I can say that would be very unsupportive and counterproductive. I hate having to self edit, but I hate even more the prospect of emotionally damaging someone with a premature and/or unkind remark.

So, for the moment, give me some room on the religion issues, OK? Politics is still fair game, though.

on Feb 16, 2005
Shades, in some small way you're right (not exactly right, but close enough).

I was kind of hoping I was totally wrong--after I posted I realized I really didn't have a place to make any comment. I am known for being rash and oversensative most of the time (I try to control it in cyberspace, but it is only a smidgeon better than real life).

I sincerely apologize for any ill feelings that I've caused you in the past week. I hope that you are able to work through all of this in the most productive manner possible (and I have faith that you will).
on Feb 16, 2005
So, for the moment, give me some room on the religion issues, OK? Politics is still fair game, though.

Done and done.
on Feb 16, 2005
as long as you don't run away and hide I will give any space ya want. just keep on writing, ok?
on Feb 16, 2005
Gotcha.  Relgion out, Politics in.  HOw about the NHL?
on Feb 16, 2005
The NHL...hehehe....back to Canada wit' em. I think they may have committed suicide as far as the US is concerned.
on Feb 16, 2005
NHL=National Holdout League.

I played hockey all the way to the college level. Worshipped the sport my whole life.

I'm DONE with them.
on Feb 16, 2005

NHL=National Holdout League.

I played hockey all the way to the college level. Worshipped the sport my whole life.

I'm DONE with them.

That was me and Baseball.  I have not come back completely, but I do pay passing attention to the regular season again.  of course with my Mets in the toilet year after year, I dont have much to root about.