I want to further elaborate on my blog yesterday. No, I'm not apologizing, no I'm not taking back anything I said. But I feel an elaboration is in order.
Shades, in some small way you're right (not exactly right, but close enough). I'm not exactly projecting, but I have been tiptoeing around certain topics here on the blogsite because there are some fragile emotions involved. And I don't want to make a comment that I would regret for sometime to come.
I could give some good answers to some of the questions that are being asked...but there are personal reasons why I'm holding back. Frankly, I've always tried to hold to a standard of respect for my fellow bloggers that is atypical of online communiocation, I know, but...I know there are real people "at the other end", and that there are things I can say that would be very unsupportive and counterproductive. I hate having to self edit, but I hate even more the prospect of emotionally damaging someone with a premature and/or unkind remark.
So, for the moment, give me some room on the religion issues, OK? Politics is still fair game, though.