West Hollywood has done it again.
One of the first communities in the US to designate people as "pet guardians" rather than "pet owners", they are now proposing outlawing of such things as tail bobbing, ear cropping, or other surgeries done for "noncurative" reasons. They alreayd have outlawed the declawing of cats, and continue on this ridiculous trend.
What is most ironic, is that these folks are at the head of the "spay and neuter" crowd. So lemme get this straight: whacking off a dog's penis is OK, as long as you don't touch it's ears. Well, speaking as a male member of my species, I can say that my response, as a human, would be: "do whatever the F*&% you WANT with the ears, but don't touch the ol' Johnson, OK?" And I think, as a "pet guardian", I should be able to make the decision in the best interest of my pet. When he mounts ol' Mrs. Farnsworth's leg, he's showing A definite affinity for the genitalia, an affinity that is only reinforced when he engages on his hourly testicle licking behavior. And so, Fido's nuts are a nono.
How long will it be till these morons garner "animal suffrage" for their pets? I can see it now:
"One bark for Kerry/Edwards, bark the chorus of "innagadda da vida for Bush/Cheney".