I was reading a book the other day to prepare for raising chickens. One of the things they cautioned against was using city water to water chickens.
Why, you ask? Two reasons: chlorine and flouride, present in many municipal water treatment facilities.
Both agents were added to our water supply on the presumption that they were "good" for us (in fact, in the case of flouride, I remember lining up in school for flouride rinse treatments). In both cases, time has proven that the negative health effects far outweigh any benefits we might have received from them.
Is it any wonder I question the government? With such continual double talk and government funded programs to add "healthy" chemicals to our food and water, we have in essence, subsidized the increase in cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses that plague our country in epidemic rates. Because, we rationalize, if the "government" says it's good for us, it must be so.
First, we must understand that the "government" is no individual person. With just about every "government" sponsored initiative, there has been opposition, occasionally consisting of up to 49% of the voting participants. The government, in short, is only as good or bad as we allow them to be. And with a whole slew of proposed laws sitting on their desks, too often they have little recourse but to rely on the word of their staff or trusted lobbyists and constituents, who have perused the information for them. In the cases of flouride and chlorine, the information passed onto them was probably ultimately backed by manufacturers/distributors of the chemicals, who used only research that favorably considered their proposal and discarded the rest.
And so, it's not the "government" that I distrust as much as it is the individuals who feel compelled to make a God out of the government, considering them to be all knowing, all seeing, and the final word on what is good or bad for us. I attempt to study hard facts and draw a more well rounded conclusion. As such, I have made decisions that many in "the government" would look upon less than favorably. Fortunately, to this point, most recognize my constitutional right to do so.
So, folks, just because the "government" jumped off a bridge, would you do it, too?