I was reading someone else's blog on self sufficiency. As we're working towards that goal, I had to think about several factors that have hindered us from doing so in the past, and why this is an ideal place to live for someone with a back to earth mindset.
First of all, property. In many parts of the country, owning one's own home is basically a pipe dream. Even if they get a mortgage, the odds of them ever seeing the day the mortgage is paid off are slim to none, statistically speaking. Even if they do, their property taxes can be crippling. Where we live, the cost of housing is low (there aren't many jobs, true, but since we're working towards self sufficiency, eventually that shouldn't matter), and the property taxes are reasonable.
Second of all, zoning. The enemy of all wannabe back to earthers, zoning can and does limit the type of livestock you can raise, the type of fences you can construct, where you can construct a fence, whether and where you can set up a greenhouse, and many other key issues that are important to anyone working towards self sufficiency. Zoning laws are yet one other way that the lives of those who wish to live freely are greatly infringed upon. Once again, our little chunk of Texas doesn't have such restrictions, except that we can't have cows or horses in city limits, a reasonable restriction as there really isn't adequate space for them.
Thirdly, building codes. Much of the cost of building a structure goes to permits, and to paying certified professionals to ensure that what they construct is built to this code or the other. Sometimes, the codes aren't bad,as with electrical codes and such,but the fact that you are forced to pay professionals the market rate (which is usually several times the wage of the average wage earner) plus other factors is a strong deterrent to new construction. Again, not being hindered by so many restrictions is a definite plus.
I have a hunch I know why I like the setup here. It's called "FREEDOM".