The journey from there to here
Getting VERY frustrated at one company's hiring procedure.
Published on January 28, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Home & Family

Well, some time ago, I applied for a job here at the sheltered workshop working as a job coach (a job coach is, for those of you who don't know, one who assists developmentally disabled individuals in work skills). I balked at sending in the application, though, still being a little gun shy after my 5 1/2 years' work in the residential field (I left largely because of burnout and had to seriously evaluate whether or not I was able to take steps to prevent that from repeating itself). Finally, however, I faxed them my application. Because I did not possess copies of my high school and college transcripts; however (the latter is unnattainable until I pay my unpaid tuition, not likely WITHOUT A DECENT JOB!), I had to drive the 70-some odd miles to Amarillo (where their regional office is located) to take a stupid reading comprehension test to prove I could read at an 8th grade level (INSULTING doesn't even BEGIN to describe it; a few phone calls could have verified my credentials), only to receive a form "rejection letter" a couple of weeks later, without even the benefit of an interview (it's possibly because my application was too late; I'm not holding THAT one against them).

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, when a posting for the same job came open. I asked them to resubmit my application for the position, and they did. I heard nothing until yesterday afternoon, when I was asked if I could come in for an interview Monday.

Good news, right? Nope. In a move that shows an HR department that is abyssmally inefficient, I was called again today to tell me the interviewer wouldn't be able to make the interview Monday. No problem, I figured, I would reschedule for later in the week.

Not gonna happen. The last I was left with is that "they will call me within the next few weeks to reschedule the interview".

Sounds a lot like a company I don't want to work for even if I AM offered a job.

Respectfully submitted,

Gideon MacLeish

on Jan 28, 2005
I've had that very thing happen to me. I've gotten pretty frustrated at the whole process with getting a job. I dont know what I'll do if I get turned down again. lol. I've got a huge stack of those stupid rejection forms and those are just the ones that actually let me know that they didnt want me. There are alot of companies that don't even let you know until you call them. Well, good luck with the job search either way.