I was entering my two latest contributions to the "They Longed for the Presidency" series, and ruminating as to why I, the quintessential point whore, would continue in this endeavour, given that the series has elicited less than a handful of responses overall, one of said responses referring to the resemblance of said candidate to the guy on a bottle of Jack Daniels.
To put it simply, these articles fall into the category of my "notes". While I have a hard copy standing right here in front of me at the computer (in my illegible script and with innumerable source quotations, thanks to a former freshman history prof who taught me well), I find it valuable to add these notes to an online database that, even once we get internet access at home again, will not be subject to the whims of a bargain basement hard drive. I also find the pictures (which I COULD add to my notes...at 15 cents a page) indispensable for my later work.
While I have some trouble taking MYSELF seriously, I am working on a VERY serious piece, which I intend to be a scholarly piece that well reflects the ability that I so rarely exercise. I feel that, in many respects, the time has come to "grow up" as a writer and take charge in areas in which I am capable. And so, the product is many "dry" articles that someone, somewhere may find informative.
Although I doubt I'm gonna top "wilkipedia" as a primary source.
Respectfully submitted,
Gideon MacLeish