The journey from there to here

Theodora "Tonie" Nathan was born in 1923 and received a bachelor's in journalism from the University of Oregon in 1971. But she indelibly embedded her stamp on history in 1972, after she accepted the vice presidential nomination for the fledgeling Libertarian Party, running as the running mate of John Hospers. Although the pair were on only two state ballots and received about 3,000 votes, they made history when Minnesota elector Roger MacBride refused to cast his ballot for Richard Nixon and cast the ballot instead for the Libertarian card of Hospers and Nathan, making the latter the first woman to receive a US electoral vote, a full dozen years before Geraldine Ferrarro.

And yet, feminist authors are notoriously silent on her, most notably Gloria Steinem, for whom NO search results show when hers and Nathan's names are placed together in a google search.

Why would Ms. Nathan be denied her rightful place by American feminists? By her notable accomplishment, she should be lauded by feminists such as Steinem, and her accomplishments given as inspirations to women everywhere. And yet, she is an unperson in Steinem's world, perhaps because her presence threatens Steinem's ego.

on Jan 20, 2005

The only Fault here is on your part for not realizing that NOW is just like the NAACP.  They are liberal organizations, and just need some cover to be that way.  Unless you toe the liberal line, then you cannot be in their elite crowd, even if you fulfill their so-called qualifications.

Witness:  Bob Packwood vs Bill Clinton

Witness: JC Watts vs Shiela jackson Lee.

They should just drop their stupid facade and be honest, but then they are liberal and that is beyond them! (to be honest).

on Jan 21, 2005
blah blah blah

Everything boils down to liberal - bad; conservative - good.

Things are a tad more nuanced than all that.

As for the post, Gideon, thanks for turning a spotlight on this lady.
on Jan 21, 2005
I really wouldn't worry myself as to why one feminist gets attention and why another feminist doesn't. That makes as much sense as worrying why one rat lives and another rat doesn't. Both are still vermin.

And, yes, that's my opinion of feminists. Feminism is to female as racism is to race. It's an ideology of hate and nothing else. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. It's impossible to point to any strain of feminism that does not bash men; they all do.
on Jan 21, 2005
Interesting Gideon. I guess a good follow up to your "name the first woman candidate to receive an electoral vote" could be, "name a conservative woman or minority that is generally accepted by "feminist" or "civil rights" activists. Who knows, there might be a few.... well maybe.
on Jan 22, 2005
Gideon, I admit I don't know of Theodora Nathan, but is she actually - as you say in the title of your piece - a feminist?

From the content of your post, one can deduce little more than that she is a woman of 'notable accomplishment'. Now, that on its own might make her an inspiration to other women, but that's not the same thing at all as being a feminist. Otherwise, every high-achieving black person would be regarded as subscribing to racial emancipation, every high-achieving working class person would be a socialist ... well, you see my point.

Consider the case of Margaret Thatcher - undoubtedly a woman of noteworthy - nay, groundbreaking - achievement, yet rarely if ever described as a feminist; least of all by herself, of course. In the 1980s at least (I can't really speak for the present day), the concensus within feminist circles in the UK was that she had probably set the feminist cause back 20 years.

So, could it be that feminists skip over Theodora Nathan simply because she isn't a feminist?
on Jan 22, 2005

Sorry, double posting - Gideon, please delete!
on Apr 05, 2006
The Association of Libertarian Feminists, which I founded, is not a male hating organization. We had males as members of ALF at its founding meeting and first convention. Tell me if you disagree with our statement of purpose which follows:
..."The purpose of ALF is to
encourage women to become economically self-sufficient and psychologically independent;
publicize and promote realistic attitudes toward female competence, achievement, and potential;
oppose the abridgement of individual rights by any government on account of sex;
work toward changing sexist attitudes and behavior exhibited by individuals;
provide a libertarian alternative to those aspects of the women's movement that tend to discourage independence and individuality."
on Apr 06, 2006
Nice article. I'm sad to say I wasn't aware of this person. I think a lot of the older feminists have fallen out of favor. You don't hear much about S.B. ANthony or E.C. Stanton anymore, either. Goes to show that it is an all or nothing proposition to many of these people.
on Apr 09, 2006
The Association of Libertarian Feminists, which I founded, is not a male hating organization. We had males as members of ALF at its founding meeting and first convention. Tell me if you disagree with our statement of purpose which follows:
..."The purpose of ALF is to
encourage women to become economically self-sufficient and psychologically independent;
publicize and promote realistic attitudes toward female competence, achievement, and potential;
oppose the abridgement of individual rights by any government on account of sex;
work toward changing sexist attitudes and behavior exhibited by individuals;
provide a libertarian alternative to those aspects of the women's movement that tend to discourage independence and individuality."

Ms. Nathan,

Thank you very much for your reply. I pointed out in a separate article that I wrote some time back that there is a TREMENDOUS difference between feminism and female supremacy and that the former should be lauded, while the latter should be shunned.

I hoped to use this article to bring attention to your accomplishments, as I feel you are widely underrecognized for your achievements. As a younger Libertarian, I have much appreciation for you, Hospers, MacBride, and the other standardbearers who have worked to bring the party to what it is today. I hope in my run for Texas State Representatives I can properly honor your names.
on Apr 09, 2006
Attaboy Gideon!