The journey from there to here
Published on January 19, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

I love blogging, and I really DO blog for myself (no, really).

Some of my blogs are basically personal notes shared with the general public for my later use. But, all in all, it's stuff I find interesting.

But, on the bigger screen that is Joeuser, these articles make little more noise than a butterfly fart.

I love them, but the articles themselves are dud articles, the bane of a point whore's existence. Most of my third party platforms pre-election qualified (although one of them made my top five articles list, so I can't complain TOO much), and my blogs on third party aspirants hit the bottom quicker'n Rosie O'Donnell could down a case of hohos.

It doesn't bug me TOO much, though, until someone writes another blog lamenting the lack of "quality" blogs.

on Jan 19, 2005
hey WE all shoot blanks time to happens.
on Jan 19, 2005
hey WE all shoot blanks time to happens.

Yeah, we do, but I don't think this is what Gideon is talking about. Maybe I am taking it the wrong way, but I think he is discussing a bit of frustration when well thought, well written blogs get passed by because their subject matter is 1) not sufficiently controversial or 2) sufficiently obscure to lead to reader apathy.
on Jan 19, 2005
Reply By: BlueDevPosted: Wednesday, January 19, 2005hey WE all shoot blanks time to happens.Yeah, we do, but I don't think this is what Gideon is talking about. Maybe I am taking it the wrong way, but I think he is discussing a bit of frustration when well thought, well written blogs get passed by because their subject matter is 1) not sufficiently controversial or 2) sufficiently obscure to lead to reader apathy.

yikes blue.... if thats true , hmmmmmmmm loss for another thought bbl to try again
on Jan 19, 2005
Gid... I love your blogs. They are all interesting... however I personally get lost in your American political discussions, but that's me...not you.
Keep blogging away!
on Jan 19, 2005
Reply By: ManopeacePosted: Wednesday, January 19, 2005Gid... I love your blogs.

me too gid, thats why yer in my blogs I track thingie.. hmm so are you mano and blue too... is there some kind of synergy going on here?
on Jan 19, 2005
these articles make little more noise than a butterfly fart.

great analogy! loved it.