There exists in rural America a very pressing need for public transportation that cannot be met by the situation as it exists. Public transportation systems, which rely on federal funding, cannot efficiently meet the needs of rural residents. And yet, their needs are no less well founded.
It is with that in mind that I propose a concept whose working title I call "Liberty Taxi". The idea behind this is simply neighbor helping neighbor, but given the litigious culture we live in, certain legal protections would need to be in place to make it work.
What I propose would work for a limited liability for drivers who are registered as "Liberty Taxi" drivers, to reduce their insurance costs to make service an option. The drivers would charge a flat rate for services, and would be independent contractors, responsible for providing their own benefits. The affiliation would be loose, at best, although requirements for drivers would be fairly stringent and require a nearly spotless driving record. They would rotate on an "on call" schedule and would be limited as to what they could charge by their affiliation with the organization.
I grant you, this proposal has a million holes in it, but it's a brainstorming proposal, and I'd be interested in seeing what folks think.