Today has been one of my most strenuous workdays as a writer.
Driven by my emerging role as a leader (see, "I Don't Feel Like a Veteran ANYTHING"), and my true desire to work to improve American politics, I have begun working on a very serious, and, hopefully extensive, piece that I hope will influence many Americans who are disenchanted with the American political system to rally together to mount a serious attack against the political status quo. While such an effort could truly be deemed quixotic, it must be noted that such efforts are not without historical precedents (a major part of my thesis). I don't want to BE a candidate, or anything (couldn't go through the media wringer unscathed), but I do hope my opinions and ideas can help move and shake people in a positive direction and implement positive political change.
I cannot remove myself from the political arena; I decided many years ago that I was and always will be inextricably linked with politics, whether I like it or not. My goal, then, is to make as positive an impact as I can in the time that I have.
The title of this blog comes from one of my pet theories; that is, that, when chaos ensues, it is the voice of reason that leads people to a consensus, whether it be positive or negative. Unfortunately, history is replete with negative examples, but there are a few positive ones (M.L. King, Ghandi) to note, and it is from those that I hope to draw inspiration.
Apologies for boring you with this rant, but, as I said at the opening, it's been a day of hard work. I hope to preview much of the information I am compiling on JU for your eyes before it hits the general public.
Respectfully submitted,
Gideon MacLeish