The journey from there to here
Published on January 14, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Business

This article falls in the "not necessarily tongue in cheek" category.

I feel that, in my time on JU, I have put out a reasonable body of work. The problem is, with my computer time limited to library access, I am not able to edit and compile my pieces in the wee small hours of the morning, which is when I am most creatively active.

So, what I am proposing is this: knowing that I have no funds outright, if there is someone out there who is willing to help me compile the hodgepodge of articles that I have out onto JoeUser into book form and assist me in marketing said book, I would be willing to contract to split all profits 50/50 with said editor.

This would require an effort of time on your part, and a reasonable amount of editing skills. I will make myself available to anyone who is serious in this endeavour as much as I can be, and would be willing to spend whatever time and energy needs to be spent in marketing and promoting the end product.

While this may end up in the JU junk pile, it may be a serious opportunity if someone wishes to avail themselves of it. If you're not familiar with my work, but think you might be up to the task, feel free to peruse my archives and let me know what you think. I can be reached at: Email

on Jan 14, 2005
A book of articles, that is a very interesting idea. If I had any editing skills to speak of I'd offer to help (or at least ask for more information), but alas I don't...
on Jan 14, 2005
I may be willing to assist you, but I have more questions, so I think I'll just email.
on Jan 14, 2005
As someone who has decided to try my hand at writing professionally myself, I feel your pain! ;~D

I too am learning that writing is the easy part.

Having the time and the talent (at least by my own accounting), I'd love to help you, unfortunately I wouldn't be much help, since I apparently don't know much more about the getting published than you do. ;~D

Of course, if what you need is someone to help editing only, email me.
on Jan 15, 2005
Have you tried the publishing houses? The kind of help you'll need can only really be provided by someone with serious connections. I don't know how many people like that actually frequent Joeuser. Lots of people here could proof (and I can if you need it, although I don't speak the same dialect as you so it could be difficult) but you probably need an agent rather than an editor when it comes to the rest of it.

If you put together a portfolio (difficult I know with just library access, but worth a try if possible) you may be able to interest one of the smaller political magazines. From there you should have an easier time finding the connections you're going to need.
on Jan 19, 2005

I am a writer and an editor, though most of my experience comes through schooling and volunteer work. I do not have a wealth of experience compiling larger projects, and my interest, in general, is fiction.

Nevertheless, I checked out your articles and several of them I like very much--even if, occasionally, I disagree with your opinions. My question is this: are you planning on tying your articles together with a driving theme? I might have a few ideas, but I would like to hear your thoughts.

on Jan 25, 2005

if you dont mind me offering an opinion, you seem to me to be very much a syndicated columnist in need of discovery.  on that basis, id suggest you select the best of your many good articles, cull from those the most topical (in the sense of being tied to events which are no longer 'news') use what's left  to compile a portfolio rather than a book.  while there may also be a book there--and it's certainly possible you'd find a publisher--selling a book without an agent (the catch-22 being agents rarely show any interest unless you've been previously published ) requires as much luck as winning the lotto. 

a portfolio will require considerably less work, can be compiled pretty quickly and you'd have something you could submit (or deliver personally) it to publications, journals, newspapers, etc. be sure your cover letter references your entire body of work here to demonstrate just how prolific you are.  it may not seem so remarkable to you (because you're used to doing it so it seems natural...and youve never had to sweat your contributors missing deadlines ) but believe me it's not easy locating skillful writers with something to say who can and will actually put words on paper as quickly and consistently as you've shown yourself able to do.