The journey from there to here
Published on January 14, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Humor

The newest proposal in Gideon's never ending stream of get rich quick schemes:

Apparently, the sale of paper shredders is going through the roof.

That's right, paper shredders.

That is because a new law holds you liable if you do not shred all information from domestic employees (nannies, yardmen) that contains their Social Security number and other documents. As a result, a growing industry is expected to shoot through the roof.

So, here's the rub: I am on the phone with cheap Indonesian paper shredder makers. I expect to start bringing them in by the container full. And I am working with Ollie North's people to get an endorsement deal (no slogan as of yet).

So, if there are any prospective ground level investors in "Gideon's six minute tire change, gas service, and paper shredding" franchises, kindly step forward with checkbooks at the ready.

I wonder if I could interest Starbucks into setting me up with a portable coffeeshop to provide refreshments while they wait.

on Jan 15, 2005
WHere is Ollie when he should be the pitchman for your new company. Get good coffee instead of Starsux.