The journey from there to here

Recent day to day events have brought to my mind the fact that I'm hitting another crossroads in life. And it's rather intriguing.

I have discovered, for instance, that several "veteran" labels could be applied to me. I am, for instance, a veteran of marriage, coming up on 10 years in April. I am also a veteran parent (although with NO experience in the teenage years; I won't go there 'till I've gone there). I am also a veteran homeschooler, having homeschooled our children in three different states, and being at least cordially familiar with the laws in over a dozen states, having been a public speaker, lobbyist, and board member for various homeschool groups. In the latter category, in fact,I can and sometimes do, assume the mantle of being an expert at some level.

The problem is, I don't FEEL like it.

I am slowly coming to the realization that my life experiences in various areas give me the qualifications and abilities to be a leader at some level. And while I am not opposed to leadership, I am reluctant in that I am overwhelmed more with what I DON'T know in many of those areas than of what I do.

Perhaps it's the knowledge of my ignorance that better qualifies me to lead, I don't know. But as I've examined many of my interpersonal relationships, I have seen myself growing into leadership roles even as I am reluctant to do so. And I am feeling that it, too, is just another life change as so many life changes before me have been.

I just don't always feel I'm up to it.

Respectfully submitted,

Gideon MacLeish

on Jan 12, 2005
I think that, what you describe here, are the best reasons to think that you would make a great leader.
on Jan 12, 2005
As we learn more it makes us realize how little we really know..... (Dr. K Rose)

Remember as a teen or even early twenties you may have thought you knew everything, then at some point you started thinking and learning, that's the point that you realize how little you really know. That's also the point at which I believe that wisdom starts to kick in, a person has had enough experience to learn from thier own mistakes and the world around them which in my opinion leads to wisdom.

So anyhow I think that you would make a perfect leader!