Champas wrote an excellent piece detailing some of the more interesting foibles of right wingers.
As a Libertarian, who is neither right or left wing, I found the piece hilarious and insightful, even when it touched upon some of the beliefs I DO hold. Why? Because I have discovered over the years, the ability to laugh at myself.
I also found the "South Park" episode on homeschooling insanely hilarious, even though I have been a dedicated homeschool parent, public speaker, and lobbyist, for much the same reasons. When someone points out apparent inconsistencies, they must use stereotypes, but we must also remember that for a stereotype to hold true, it must be one that fairly fits a good number of people in the group being stereotyped.
So, when a piece such as Champas' comes up, take it in the spirit it was written. Perhaps, by laughing at yourself, you might find some areas where a little change isn't a bad thing.
Respectfully submitted,
Gideon MacLeish