The national election of 2000 brought it to the forefront of our minds.
And, if you are living in the state of Washington, you're even more compelled that our nation's electoral system needs a MASSIVE overhaul.
Two recounts in Washington gave the governor's seat to the Republican candidate, the third went to the Democratic candidate. All were by extremely narrow margins, all were highly contested. Now, the state GOP is demanding a new election because of the concern that provisional ballots in heavily Democratic King County were counted on election day without being verified. It's all a little too "Banana Republic" for my taste.
Poor sport candidates aside, the fact remains that all of the election controversies that have arisen have arisen over the fact that ours is an increasingly stupid and inefficient system. Ballot formats vary from state to state, and even from county to county, in such a way as to make recounts an inexact and costly procedure. When you add to that the ENORMOUS cost of litigation in all of the instances where the results have been called into question, then you have to realize something's gotta give.
We are supposed to be the standard bearers of democracy, but instead, stand on the slippery slope of being its laughingstock.
Respectfully submitted,
Gideon MacLeish