The journey from there to here

I must first properly credit whoman for the title of this article. Sad thing is, he was serious.

THIS, in a nutshell, is one of the most pervasive problems that faces this country. As applies to deficit spending, there are far too many who have no compunction when it comes to adding another billion here or there. But how can we hope to erase this deficit with this mindset in place?

Another billion is $3 per man, woman and child in the United States. Most Americans, sadly, are of the opinion that that's ok; Bill Gates can pay their share. But Gates, as many Americans, has worked hard for his money, and does not need to have the rest of the US population determining how and where it is appropriate for him to spend this money. Gates has created jobs and added a vitality to the US economy that has touched EVERY individual within the US. The systems that have been implemented within his operating have made businesses more efficient, lowering net costs of goods and services and creating a vastly improved quality of life for all of us. To this, we're expected to say "Thank you, Mr. Gates; now give that money back, you hog".

The FACTS are this: if we are to remain vital as an economy, we MUST see the importance of wise spending of resources. While a certain level of debt is crucial to a stable and vital economy, it is fair to say our debt is excessive and must be curtailed. It is also highly ironic that 10 years ago, the American public agreed, and in fact, voted in congressmen who SHUT DOWN the federal government over the issue of a balanced budget; now; however, we believe in a "spend at all cost" economy.

Many proposals have been suggested to deal with our debt and deficits; the least acceptable of these is raising taxes. We are already taxed more heavily than most Americans realize, and to continue to increase the tax burden will affect many Americans pretty heavily (as a family barely getting by, I can tell you, we really can't do with many more taxes).

If we are to have any hope of lowering the debt and leaving a positive legacy to our grandchildren, it has to start somewhere. And it CAN'T start with a flippant dismissal of "another billion".

Respectfully submitted,

Gideon MacLeish

on Jan 05, 2005
I agree completely with you. the debt is already at crazy level and still flying.
on Jan 06, 2005
i agree I would like the gov. to give to there own for better conditions in living give us a break and i dont mean by more programs how about quit passing it on to the consumer higher this higher that as long as they keep passing it on we pay more and more they call it exspendable income buddy i dont have that so who does tell these energy co. no more and start finding ways with in there own resources which also increases technology it has cost us by everything we buy and exspecialy the basics but we cant give ourselfs a raise like congress did even citys and countys are passing laws to make more money if all this does not stop then my grand kids are going to have to earn a billion a year just to live good when does it stop when does our gov. start taking care of it own and not its greed we are only strong as our weakest link what health care the gov has let premiums to go sky high the list goes on and on everything has been turn loose it is time to pay what we owe and take care of our own before there is no american dream thanks