The journey from there to here
Published on January 5, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

To those who don't wish to read on about the continuing controversy, I'll give a fair warning that this is a further answer. But I feel that some rather disparaging and inappropriate comments have been made regarding my character, and will respond as I feel appropriate.

In the original article entitled "Get Foreign Nations off of Welfare", I made a snide comment that India and other countries had won the lottery. I do not apologize for the comment, and although I probably could have phrased it in a softer light, it would have been my own usage of the kind of "soft sell" dishonesty that I myself dislike intensely. My following comment was that their overpopulated countries were rid of many of the homeless in addition to their receiving aid. Again, I do not feel that this is particularly callous, given the trend of many modern liberals to advocate abortion as a means of population control (read a good Margaret Sanger book lately, folks?) or euthanasia as an agent of the same. Many of those same abortion/euthanasia advocates were the quickest to aim their cannons in my direction.

But what REALLY hacked me was that ALL of the comments were geared towards the first two sentences. None of these "enlightened" folks was willing to read further and see that the meat of the article and the majority of the words used were addressing the very real and compelling problem of continuing to apply public tax dollars in an area where private contributions would, in my opinion, be far more appropriate and efficient. I remain steadfast in that opinion.

I would further like to address some of the responses I felt were horribly inappropriate from these "enlightened" individuals seeking to "correct me".

1. You also realize that many of those killed were not inhabitants but tourists. There is a very implicit statement in the preceding that the lives of tourists matter more than the lives of the citizens of these countries. If anything I said is appalling, it PALES in comparison to demeaning the values of the lives of the citizens against the lives of "tourists", as this author obviously did.

2. Giddy, this has got to be the most selfish and demoralizing post I've seen in a long time. Upwards of 100,000 or more are going to be dead from this tragedy. Millions are homeless. The devastation is apocalyptic. And, you're belly aching about sending tax revenues? You really are a sicko. This person is yet another of those who didn't read the whole article. So I'm a sicko for wanting private contributions to go to the tsunami victims rather than public tax dollars? Sorry, but I don't see the connection there.

3. And, one more thing.....................

If this post is just about trolling, seeing how many people you can get a rise out of (including me), then you still qualify as a sicko. You need to get your head shrunk Same friend as above, apparently convinced of my psychosis. He earned his way onto the permanent blacklist for this one. I don't give too many that privileged position, but was happy to give it to him.

4. This thread starter is probably the most offensive post I have ever seen on this board, or maybe on any board. That's a pretty tall statement, especially in regards to the aforementioned abortion for birth control/euthanasia advocates that are pretty rampant on this board and others.

Now, let's look at what I did NOT say, in light of these comments:

 I did NOT say that India and other countries were undeserving of aid. I criticized the use of tax dollars to provide the aid, in light of the fact that we are overspending at a rate that virtually guarantees we will NEVER erase the debt that is owed. I criticized borrowing from my grandchildren's future to pay for the costs of today. I said, I have reiterated, and I will continue to state that the money does need to be spent to help these victims, it just needs to come from private and VOLUNTARY contributions and distributed by a more efficient agent than the US government.

I did NOT say I had no sympathy for the victims or their families. I had no way to prevent this disaster, nor in fact, did anyone in existence. It was a NATURAL disaster, and even if we were to commit our entire GDP to India from now till eternity, we will not erase the consequences of that disaster. I did not, and will not, manufacture a false sense of sympathy such as that of many individuals who didn't care less about the lives of these individuals BEFORE the disaster (how much time have whoman and dabe spent easing the plight of those in India, I'm forced to ask myself). I also see no reason to see their death as being any more tragic than those caused by the hurricanes in Florida than the tsunami in India. While the scale is certainly larger, why don't you go ask a family member of a Florida hurricane victim if they miss their families any less because of the tsunami in Asia?

I advocate for, and continue to advocate for, fiscal responsibility from our government and from individuals. My statement was, and remains, that if we keep throwing money away at every worthwhile project, we will soon find that there are worthwhile projects that exist long after our money is spent. We MUST discriminate in our spending, and that needs to start NOW. I advocate for it in ALL areas, not just foreign aid, this was just the issue that was at the forefront.

If the United States doesn't stop spending money it doesn't have, it won't be long until we don't have the money to spend on ANY of these projects. And then, the entire world will suffer.

But, I hardly believe that a liberal will have read down this far.

Respectfully submitted,

Gideon MacLeish

on Jan 05, 2005
nah, you're not evil

and I read the whole thing lol
on Jan 05, 2005

Are Libertarians Evil?

By: Gideon MacLeish
Posted: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 on gideon's trumpet
Message Board: Politics
To those who don't wish to read on about the continuing controversy, I'll give a fair warning that this is a further answer. But I feel that some rather disparaging and inappropriate comments have been made regarding my character, and will respond as I feel appropriate.
In the original article entitled "Get Foreign Nations off of Welfare", I made a snide comment that India and other countries had won the lottery. I do not apologize for the comment, and although I probably could have phrased it in a softer light, it would have been my own usage of the kind of "soft sell" dishonesty that I myself dislike intensely. My following comment was that their overpopulated countries were rid of many of the homeless in addition to their receiving aid. Again, I do not feel that this is particularly callous, given the trend of many modern liberals to advocate abortion as a means of population control (read a good Margaret Sanger book lately, folks?) or euthanasia as an agent of the same. Many of those same abortion/euthanasia advocates were the quickest to aim their cannons in my direction.
But what REALLY hacked me was that ALL of the comments were geared towards the first two sentences. None of these "enlightened" folks was willing to read further and see that the meat of the article and the majority of the words used were addressing the very real and compelling problem of continuing to apply public tax dollars in an area where private contributions would, in my opinion, be far more appropriate and efficient. I remain steadfast in that opinion.
I would further like to address some of the responses I felt were horribly inappropriate from these "enlightened" individuals seeking to "correct me".
1. You also realize that many of those killed were not inhabitants but tourists. There is a very implicit statement in the preceding that the lives of tourists matter more than the lives of the citizens of these countries. If anything I said is appalling, it PALES in comparison to demeaning the values of the lives of the citizens against the lives of "tourists", as this author obviously did.
2. Giddy, this has got to be the most selfish and demoralizing post I've seen in a long time. Upwards of 100,000 or more are going to be dead from this tragedy. Millions are homeless. The devastation is apocalyptic. And, you're belly aching about sending tax revenues? You really are a sicko. This person is yet another of those who didn't read the whole article. So I'm a sicko for wanting private contributions to go to the tsunami victims rather than public tax dollars? Sorry, but I don't see the connection

Your not sick, just misinformed. humankind is inherently greedy. This is undeniable fact. So to wait only for personal contributions is a waste of time. And time is the one thing those people DON'T have! Which I guess would be the main reason the government go into it. They can move a lot quicker than you or I. So in closing....If you don't like the government spending money....Tuff! Nothing *you or I* can say or do is going to change it one iota. So why bother?
on Jan 05, 2005

So in closing....If you don't like the government spending money....Tuff! Nothing *you or I* can say or do is going to change it one iota. So why bother?


US Constitution, amendment 1. That's why bother.

on Jan 05, 2005
If you don't like the government spending money....Tuff! Nothing *you or I* can say or do is going to change it one iota. So why bother?

you had me until this...

Why bother? Oh, you've got a good point, but I have to keep trying or I might as well just take the rubber suite down at Sunnyview Hospital like the docs always wanted me to do...

We shall overcome
We shall overcome
We shall overcome some day

Oh deep in my heart
I do believe
We shall overcome some day

on Jan 05, 2005

The problem I see?  You are an idealist and I am a realist.  I do agree with you, but I know it will neveer happen.

When our tax money is given to a good cause, it is like the 500+ clowns in DC are the magnanimous ones, not the 290m rest of us.  Yet private donations from Joe Citizen will probably exceed that of the clowns in DC.  Yet you never hear of the billions being collected, the telethons being done, that Joe and Jane Citizen give.

Instead, you hear of a few individuals like Sandra Bullock who give a ton each, and that is fine.  ANd you get little vignetttes on the evening news about a local person heading over there to work to help, but not of the thousands of others who ran over there to help when the news was heard.

The Politicians do it because of votes.  The news media reports it like it is we (but not the real we) because they are liberal, and feel that all money is the states, not the individuals (how dare you give money to a church when that money could have gone to the poor! Dont you realize in the seperation in church and state!  You ignorant masses!).

I dont see it changing, and so I dont tilt at the windmill as you do Don Quixote.  But that does not mean I dont agree with you, just in how much power we have to effect change.

on Jan 05, 2005

Dr. Guy,

I'm more of a realist than you realize, and that, perhaps, comes across in my writings. My writings are written from the perspective of an idealist, as idealism is needed to inspire us towards a more positive direction. I did not, and I do not support the aid package as stated because of how it is implemented, e.g, off budget. If Bush acted as a fiscal conservative and found appropriate budgets from which to pull the funds, I might feel a little better about their usage (for instance, the expense of sending out National Guard units to deliver the food--and I don't know that this isn't part of the package, mind you...the budget's already there, it's just being used in a different direction).

on Jan 05, 2005
And as I saddle up Rozinante, I say to my fair squire, Sancho Panza, "This looks like a good day to die! Or at least get some pancakes!"
on Jan 05, 2005

Reply #4 By: Myrrander - 1/5/2005 3:19:29 PM
If you don't like the government spending money....Tuff! Nothing *you or I* can say or do is going to change it one iota. So why bother?

you had me until this...

Why bother? Oh, you've got a good point, but I have to keep trying or I might as well just take the rubber suite down at Sunnyview Hospital like the docs always wanted me to do...

We shall overcome
We shall overcome
We shall overcome some day

Oh deep in my heart
I do believe
We shall overcome some day

Just don't hold your breath. Cause I ain't up for mouth to mouth.