Apparently, a few courses in reading comprehension are appropriate for some individuals on this blog site.
In a recent article, I wrote a very strongly worded essay about the foreign aid position in India, and was heavily chastised for it. Anyone who has read my articles and comments consistently over the months I have spent on joeuser should be readily able to see the intent of my words and the context in which they were written. I am NOT without compassion for those who have been hit by this disaster in India, by any stretch of the imagination.
I AM tired of the US being expected to make everything better by throwing money at it, especially when all that happens when we DO this is that our leaders get burned in effigy at their embassies and our flag gets spit on. We do NOT have the money to guarantee every man, woman and child on this planet a middle class existence, nor SHOULD we. What raised my hackles about this particular situation was that the implication was raised without a complete and vocal outcry from the UN that we were somehow "stingy" in the amount of money we were contributing, when we have given so much to so many over the years...
But I digress. This is not about foreign policy, this is about why I chose the words I did as I did in the stated article. I could sit down and write about twenty blogs about what I feel is wrong about this on all levels (including the irony of the liberals that expect me to feel like we need to subsidize an overpopulated portion of our planet while at the same time holding the view that we should kill the surplus population of children in utero), but that's not the point. The point was the issue was taken over my opening comment about India "winning the lottery".
The point was strongly worded, I grant you. But, the fact is, the majority of the people who were washed away in the floods will not be remembered, as we only care about the ones that had money (the most sickening response I got was "But HUNDREDS of TOURISTS were killed"...stating implicitly that the lives of those hundreds of tourists mattered more than the hundred plus THOUSAND poor and homeless that were subject to the same devastation...which is more sickening?). My response was also directed at the fact that I am sickened by the further implication that throwing money at the problem will remedy it (the fact is, the reason even ONE person considered our aid "stingy" is the fact that they won't be able to pay enough middlemen to PROFITEER off of this disaster...again, which is more sickening?).
So, before you take it upon yourselves to make value judgements upon me based on ONE article, taken OUT of context, evaluate the COMPLETE message and try to figure out (through the context of the works of one who has written 500+ readily available articles) where the person is coming from. In short, I apologize for nothing.
One final thought: where are all you folks when I write an article you AGREE with? You seem mighty content to let those die.
Respectfully submitted,
Gideon MacLeish