The journey from there to here
Published on December 27, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Sports & Leisure

Well, not having TV in our household, I am a little slow on things. So it wasn't until yesterday evening that I received the news that Reggie White passed away.

While he was a great human being, there are a lot of questions that arise in the passing of one so young (43). I am sure the questions will arise as to whether he used any "performance enhancing" drugs, and no, I don't feel ashamed to speculate myself. Of particular concern should be the year when he was declared out for the year due to an injured leg, then claimed a "faith healing" healed his leg and he didn't need surgery (he did play well the rest of the season). It would not be out of line, considering the nature of his profession, to question whether the "faith healing" came in the form of a syringe full of the right medicine.

It seems entirely strange for one to have been taken from us, especially one so young. Given the fact that he had fairly extensive annual physicals up until his retirement from the NFL 4 years ago, either he deteriorated frighteningly fast or there's something more that we don't know about.

Oh well, I'm sure the tabloids will get it straight.

Respectfully submitted,

Gideon MacLeish

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