I recently archived an article that talked about a recent popular kids' cartoon, and its alleged homosexual agenda. Frankly, in the area of TV watching, I consider myself to be an uderprude; however, I didn't see it!
I also didn't see the alleged sexually subversives in "the Lion King", or "Aladdin", or anything else that so many have seen fit to rant about.
Is this wrong?
Sometimes, I think, it's very easy to put onesself in a hypercritical state and overemphasize and over analyze things to the point of inanity. Personally, I think this is one example.
There's a word for those who think everyone's out to get them or attack their beliefs. It's called "paranoia", and, while I am as prone to it as anyone, reason usually brings me to a halt long before I make a COMPLETE fool of myself (although I've gotten partway there a time or two before being halted).
Here's my suggestion for stress free living: take time, stop and think, before drawing definitive conclusions. It just might mean the difference between appearing wise or appearing foolish.
Respectfully submitted,
Gideon MacLeish