The journey from there to here
Published on December 20, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

I was reading an article in the paper on our state senator's proposals for Texas' educational system. EVERY ONE of his proposals revolved around a tax increase. Sadly, this senator was allegedly a Republican.

As a private citizen, I base my budget off of my income. I do not spend as I damn well see fit and approach my employer demanding a raise. I expect my government to do the same.

Another thought that came to mind is that this is yet another example of the fact that the "small government, fiscally conservative" Republican is a myth, and that examples of this type of creature are as extinct as the dodo.

What we NEED in trying economic times (as it still is for many of us), is a government that understands and that attempts to reign in its own spending to ease the plight of working class Americans. We also need to seriously explore concepts like privatization to reduce this gross overspending.

on Dec 20, 2004
Republicans discovered that busting the budget and giving their constituents what they want gets them reelected. Until the economy takes a tank because of the amount of interest we have to pay off the debt kicks in then it works well for them. On a state level though, you have to deal with balanced budgets and increasing services means tax increases.
on Dec 20, 2004
Tax increases are necessary; hell, not taxing when you have bills to pay just makes you lose more money. They've been cutting taxes way too long when all of a sudden they realized they don't have the funds to satisfy the increased demans for services, they end up having no choice but to tax.

Of course, no one wants to pay taxes especially if you see that you are getting broker; which I can see, since I now have to find a new job. Sadly, people expect the government to provide stuff and then bitch when they get taxed in order to do so.

Fiscal conservatives.... man always know someone is a liar when they say that; rather have someone who moderately spends and moderately taxes.
on Dec 20, 2004
Wow, government run is ineffecient at times. But that's because of regulation; oversight.
Privately run; gross mismanagment and way too many 'private' examples of fraud; too damn and too weakened oversight; have yet to see a company that really ties to help people; we then become consumers instead of citizens, and tax payers.
Some middle road is necessary; government deregulation since the 1980s is starting to be felt now. Sort of like mad credit card spending in the late 80s and the 90s.
on Dec 20, 2004
I was reading an article in the paper on our state senator's proposals for Texas' educational system. EVERY ONE of his proposals revolved around a tax increase. Sadly, this senator was allegedly a Republican.

he just smartened up; a little too late now; which is why the backlash against him taxing; should tax when things are good and not tax as much when things are bad; you don't really notice the taxes when things are good; its easier to propose a tax cut than a tax increase.
on Dec 21, 2004

Tax increases are necessary; hell, not taxing when you have bills to pay just makes you lose more money.

No, CUTTING PORK would accomplish the same thing without increasing taxes. Frankly, when we have to turn the thermostat down to 58 degrees because we just can't afford the gas to have it any higher, I don't buy the argument that the government taking more of that money will make our lives any better.

on Dec 21, 2004


Wow, you are aptly named on the "de ranter" I know that taxing the crap out of people may seem like the best solution, but the fact is, it is not. We are in economically trying times, and taking more of the average joe's pocket change won't solve that. For the record, I make a living as a newspaper carrier/handyman because that's all the work I can find; I can't AFFORD more taxes.

on Dec 21, 2004
It's just Austin wanting to up taxes for problems Austin creates. Nothing new there at all.
on Dec 21, 2004
Here is what happened to fiscal conservatives: They are no longer allowed to exsist becasue of the function that conservatives try to to fulfill. We can and will have fiscally conservative liberals. you have to look at what each advocates. The liberals advocate programs that take care of needy people and are generally more for social programs. Conservatives advocate agaist most of these programs, but are for things like a strong national defense and space program. My point is that most of the programs that are cuttable in todays political climate are programs that conservatives wish to spend money on. You cannot cut Social Security or Medicare, which are both social programs. What I am saying here people is that it is next to impossible for a conservative to get all his/her programs totally funded without going into deficiet spending. There simply is not much room to cut in social programs anymore without hitting third rails all over the place. While a liberal can some in and tone down defense and all of the sudden they have a balanced budget. Now what I am saying really only applies to the current state of the economy. Of course if tax reciepts are growing then its a whole new ballgame? Thoughts........