The journey from there to here

Well, I don't consider myself to be an avid fan of The Daily Show, but I do consider some of their observations to be astute, and I picked up a copy of "America (the Book)", expecting more of the Michael Moore brand of "satire" (read: belittling at least half of the American population to browbeat them into thinking his way), and I was pleasantly surprised.

"America (the Book)" is pleasantly double edged in its satire, as readily taking Clinton to task for his presidency as it does our current president, and satirizing the history of our country from its founding. It does a respectable job of keeping its satire on the "up and up", and satirizing ideas and concepts, rather than individuals ('cept the dead ones...we gets to make fun of the dead ones...they can't sue!). It is a quick read, and is remarkably lighthearted in its approach. It's my belief that conservatives and liberals alike (and Australians! And monkey people) can find much to enjoy within its pages.

And if's edible!

signing off (tongue firmly planted in cheek)

Gideon MacLeish

on Dec 14, 2004
This was one of the things I got for Adrian for Christmas *hope he doesn't run across this*. I skimmed it, and it looked hilarious.
on Dec 14, 2004
Yes...and probably a damn site tastier than his MRE's once he's done with it!
on Dec 14, 2004
I like the Movie better.
on Dec 14, 2004
This is a book I have been looking forward to reading. It looks mighty funny.
on Dec 14, 2004
Something is possessed. I only wrote one post, only hit submit once and even got an error. Sorry about the double post.