The journey from there to here
Published on October 28, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

Well, Texas has proved little different than Nevada in the area of employment. But I'm pleased to report employment IS available for those who diligently seek it, even if it may not be high paying. And the cost of living here is MUCH lower than Nevada.

Since we have our car in order, we have a paper route that helps to pay some of the bills (which are, fortunately, not very high), and I am still drawing unemployment while seeking full time opportunities. I have my application in as custodian for a nearby school district, and, should that not pan out, may see if I can get one of the local pizza chains to let me work a schedule around the paper route. I also purchased a riding lawnmower VERY cheaply, and am working on getting it running before spring to pick up some lawn jobs.

I am still not giving up on the writing, either. I haven't been able to get the computer back up, but once I am, will start looking for places to submit some of my work. If anyone has any good leads in this area, I'm all ears.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Oct 28, 2004
Sadly I don't have any leads for you. But I can say that I worked for a while as a pizza delivery dude and the pay was great. True, you have to put miles on your car, which can make it not possible. Best of luck and thanks for the update.
on Oct 28, 2004
Maybe you can get on as a staff writer with the Pampa News? I'm sure you've probably already thought of that . . . hmmm . . . I'll try to think of some stuff.

I also purchased a riding lawnmower VERY cheaply, and am working on getting it running before spring to pick up some lawn jobs.

Great idea.

BTW . . . I'm going to be in the panhandle during the Christmas holidays. What would think about us meeting up? I'd love to meet you and have the chance to visit with your wife and your precious children. Let me know what you think.
on Oct 28, 2004
Hey, I'm sending cheerful thoughts your way. I know that's not terribly helpful, but I do want you to find something that works well for you.


on Oct 29, 2004


Feel free to come by anytime. Things aren't as ritzy as we'd like them to be, but we would love to have you guys come over. I'll email you our cell phone number, you already have the other contact info.

on Nov 21, 2004
Hey Gid,

I've lived in TX my whole life, let me know if you need anything...well when i get out of this reclusive phase...i was dumped and it is really bring me down );