The journey from there to here
the saga continues
Published on October 28, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

In my last blog, I got us up to Lefors, now to continue the saga.

When we arrived in Pampa, we picked up a car for $500. The trouble, as we discovered the next day, had to do with an electrical glitch due to the worst splicing of a battery cable I have ever seen. To top it off, the splice was uninsulated, so we took care of that right away.

We got in Lefors the following morning, holding off the actual move another day, as we knew we would be sleeping on an inflatable mattress on the floor until further notice, and decided that real beds for an extra night would not hurt. When we arrived, we saw the house, a very nice and humble one story house well out of the flood plain. We went inside, and liked what we saw. It was much bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside, with a living room and LARGE master bedroom at one end, and three bedrooms and a bathroom staggered down the hall towards the dining room and kitchen areas (when we get online FT, I'll try to drum up some pictures). Our landlord invited us to lunch at the senior center, where we met many of the townsfolk (it, like many rural towns in this part of the country, has a significant elderly population). We headed back, and on the way, the girls enumerated how they intended to divide the bedrooms.

Since the house had not been lived in for years, our master plan was to move what we had into the living room and master bedroom and  clean our way towards the other end of the house. There was no stove and fridge, so for the moment, a large ice chest and a two burner hot plate served those purposes. A vanity in the master bedroom was to serve as our temporary kitchen counter.

We found a couple chairs left around the house so that my wife and I didn't have to sit on the floor the entire time; she was as relieved about this as I was.

That night, I had the foresight to buy an inexpensive battery charger to help jump the car, and found it to be very essential the following morning. We had scheduled our gas and water to be turned on at 1 pm, and needed for my wife to be at the house for that, while I ran some general errands to get set up.

Ok, this was the boring stretch, but consider it essential background materials. I'll get to more on our getting established and the people of Lefors in future blogs. As you can tell, my online time is sketchy, but fortunately, there's usually a free computer at the library when I need it, and I always have time to get online whenever the paper's running late (which is frequently, unfortunately), as our paper route is our chief remunerative employment at this time.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Oct 28, 2004
I'm so glad to hear that things are going well for you, Gideon. It sounds like you have your work cut out for you in getting the house all cleaned up and set up. I'm glad to hear you were able to pick up an inexpensive car, too. I hope that your new home and new community will be a good fit for you and your family. Best wishes.
on Oct 28, 2004

Gideon,  I know where pampa is ( i had a boss from there).  But I find it hard to believe that Texas is cheaper than Nevada!  I have been to both, and my wife did live in Arlington for a spell.

I guess it depends upon where in each state.  yea, I can see LV being kind of ritzy!.  And Dallas being the same.

Glad you are finding it so good.  Good luck!  Keep us informed!

on Oct 28, 2004
Cool. Welcome to Texas........y'all (waves from Ft. Hood)
on Oct 28, 2004
Glad to see you checking in here, Gideon. It's sounds like things are on the up for you. All the best, as always!
on Oct 28, 2004
I don't know much about you. but you seem to be a very good person. You appear to be, very well read, and talented as well.

I wish you only the best and I hope all works out well for you in your journey.

on Oct 28, 2004
Good to see you back online. Hope to see you more permanently soon. Take care and enjoy the new place!
on Oct 29, 2004

Dr. Guy,

Wages in Pahrump, Nevada average $6-8 an hour...the average cost of a three bedroom home in Pahrump is $799.

Wages in this area average about the same, maybe slightly lower. I am renting to own a 4 bedroom home for well under half the full time wages of a minimum wage worker.

A whole chicken for roasting in Pahrump costs $6-7 unless you can catch them on sale. Here, they're $2.50-$3.00

Milk is about the same, gas is 20 cents cheaper per gallon here.

I don't see how you could see Nevada as being cheaper, frankly.