The journey from there to here
or, Kill a Senior for Christ
Published on April 21, 2008 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

In the linked article, Oliver "Buzz" Thomas postulates that our religion might be killing us. His rationale? The "dire" need for climate change (one wonders why he is wasting so much time on an electrically powered computer if the need is so dire). He believes that opposition to birth control, which is characteristic of the Roman Catholic Church as well as many Orthodox Jewish and Muslim sects, and the encouragement of large families in faiths such as the LDS church. He argues that instead of offering tax breaks for children, we should provide incentives for having fewer (read: penalties for having too many).

His argument is absurd, and it unravels when the opposite theory is proposed. Instead of talking about banning childbirth, why don't we focus on eliminating our senior population? They've lived a good life, and if we didn't spend so many of our health care dollars caring for octogenarians with limited life expectancy, we would better be able to spend health care dollars for younger families. It would also increase our GDP, as we would be focusing our resources on those who are coming into the workforce rather than those who are leaving it (and, on a slightly more cynical note, how many greenhouse gasses would we be preventing by turning off the ignition on those fuel inefficient motor homes that make their annual pilgrimages south in the winter and north in the summer?).

While it's easy to cry "overpopulation", the fact remains that only certain parts of the planet are overpopulated. And the United States is NOT one of those parts, not by a longshot.  While some of our major cities would argue, there are vast open spaces in the country. To propose that we begin putting cuffs on religion (or, worse, proposing, as Thomas does, that preaching childlessness is morally equivalent to preaching for civil rights or against slavery) is absurd at its very core.

Now, I'm not saying every family should go out and have many children. That's a personal decision, and not one that the government, nor Planned Parenthood, nor, frankly, the church, should feel free to usurp. We're not in the crisis that people like Oliver Thomas demand, and, frankly, they don't believe their own hype. I may have missed the news, but I haven't heard any news stories about the urban pockets in which these misguided people live converting over to pedal power and public transit.

Ironically, it is people like Thomas who could do the most harm to the United States. As the baby boomers age into retirement, there will be fewer people in the workplace to support those who are going into retirement. This will also mean fewer taxes being collected, meaning less money for education, and all other government expenditures, including the pet environmental projects that these people are so fanatical about. And in the long run, nobody wins.

on Apr 22, 2008

I've wondered that myself.  One of the biggest ironies of U.S. history is how the baby boomer generation became strong advocates of Zero Population because of their own numbers.  Now that they are entering the retirement force, they have forgotten the "Don't Trush Anyone Over 30" & "I Hope I Die Before I Get Old" ideals of "M-M-My Generation".  They've gone from "The Kids are Alright" to "What a Drag it is Getting Old"

They want modern medicine to extend their lives to the fullest, but they've held on to the Zero Population growth ideals, so they point to their grandkids to make sacrifices.  Sacrifice the being parents and grandparents for "the cause".


on Apr 22, 2008
That's a personal decision, and not one that the government, nor Planned Parenthood, nor, frankly, the church, should feel free to usurp.

Actually, the Catholic Church is not into dictating family size (I cannot speak for LDS or Muslims). What it is doing is stating that all life is a gift from god and therefore precious. It is up to the individual members to decide how to implement that tenet of faith. After all, the rule banning Priests from marrying ensures that at least some of the faithful will never have a large family.

But as to your overall point, I agree. The lunacy is that these people are taken seriously and seen as "caring", when in fact, they are just selfish arse wipes that care nothing for anything but themselves. They want more, and like Michelle Obama, think that means taking some of your pie. Not baking themselves another one.
on Apr 22, 2008
Actually, the Catholic Church is not into dictating family size (I cannot speak for LDS or Muslims).

The LDS doesn't dictate family issues either. I was just saying the church shouldn't because it is the author's position that the church should be enlisted to sell his drivel.
on Apr 22, 2008
If I were single, I would probably file an age discrimination lawsuit against "seniors only" housing. As it is, with my family size they can say they DQ'ed us because of that, not age (although, allegedly, family status is ALSO a protected category).

I am constantly amazed at the lunacy of the left, who actually seem to BELIEVE that not having a baby in America will reduce the overpopulation problem in China!
on Apr 22, 2008
who actually seem to BELIEVE that not having a baby in America will reduce the overpopulation problem in China!

It will - when they colonize us.
on Apr 22, 2008

Just don't have sex, you foolish, foolish people, if you care about it.