The journey from there to here
Published on March 30, 2008 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Today brought a couple of reminders that my oldest is growing up.

First, the local Christian radio station has a coloring contest. The kids can choose what prizes they'd like to be entered for. One of the prizes was a cell phone with 100 minutes. Des asked us about the cell phone, and we told her it would be better to look at addinhg her to our cell plan when we sign a new contract. This led to a discussion about rights and privileges, and the standard reminder that if she gets a phone, she's going to need to be responsible with it. I haven't talked with my wife about it, but it may be her BDay present this year.

I had reservations at first, but then remembered when I was a kid we were always given change for the pay phones to call home in an emergency. Since there really aren't many pay phones anymore, this is a similar concept. As she becomes more and more independent, she'll have a way to get ahold of us in case of an emergency.

The second reminder was after church. She asked if she coould go to a concert with friends. This is her first concert without us. OK, so it's a Third Day concert, and she's going with the BSU director and his family, but to her it's a pretty big deal. If I had been off work, I would have offered to go with her, but, ya know, it's probably better that I'm working. This will be a big event for her.

We're only a few months shy of her 13th birthday, and we're already getting into heady discussions about cell phones, cars, and concerts. Fortunately, she's a pretty levelheaded kid, so I'm not too worried at this point. But I AM still trying to come to grips with the whole thing.


on Mar 30, 2008

Welcome to the teen years! 

And I was a grinch with the whole cell phone thing.  We told the kids when they could afford to pay the bill they could have one.  We didn't see a need for them at the time.  And with all their friends, teachers and coaches with cells in their possession it was pretty easy to borrow one to give a quick call home in case of an emergency.   

 Actually nowadays it's much easier than pay phones, cuz instead of a pay phone on every corner there's practically a cell phone on every kid......

on Mar 30, 2008
and it's a double!!!
on Mar 31, 2008

I think cell phones are great for kids to have.  Especially since first cars have a tendency to break down, and kids sometimes just need Mom and Dad to be available when needed.  I rather have to deal with my daughter abusing phone privileges then to think of her in a situation that she wants to get out of and not have a phone to call me with.

Man...I can wait for the teen years...

on Mar 31, 2008
Man...I can wait for the teen years...

Second childhood?
on Apr 09, 2008

Just remember. Make sure she only goes with people of good repute to those concerts, or she could end up in trouble.

on Apr 09, 2008

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