The journey from there to here
Published on October 1, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Well, today was a long one. I had a move to do for day labor, got done with that and was called out to lay sod in the afternoon. Although this is definitely a blessing as far as the money is concerned, it has sure made the move frantic.

This has been one of those things that has just seemed right from the get go: I'm booked up with work over the weekend, and we will get into Texas with a reasonable amount of money. Not NEARLY enough to stay in Pahrump, mind you, but it should be enough to take care of some of the minutia in Texas (not sure if there are utility deposits, but we do need to get a cheap vehicle to shuttle back and forth to town).

The storage unit and the mail forwarding box also came in under budget, which is a relief. Granted, I'm not going to get rich off of it, but the $40 I saved is $40 that we can use elsewhere (I feel the same way about the $30 paycheck I made for this morning and the $20-30 paycheck I should have coming, as well as the few bucks I should make off of the other side job. Granted I'll be worn out by Tuesday, but it's a LLLOOOOONNGGG busride).

I'm kind of trying to see if we have a couple bucks to spare to treat the family to a hot cheap dinner Tuesday night, as we have a 2 hour 45 minute rest in Kingman, AZ (although we want to be among the first to board the bus so that we can sit together; passengers on a bus do NOT often move to allow families to sit on the bus together, sadly). I think we might, but I'm not making any premature promises to them that I can't keep. I'm also going to get some cold cereal "bowls" from the store and take some powdered milk so that they can have a bowl of cereal at breakfast time.

3 more days in Pahrump, then we get to shake the dust of this town off our sandals.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Oct 01, 2004
Good luck on the exodus from pahrump.
on Oct 01, 2004
exodus from pahrump

Sounds like a famous novel waiting to be written....

Good luck, Gideon.

on Oct 01, 2004
Pahrump Pahrump Pahrump Pahrump!!!!!!! It's a better word than DINGO!

Pahrump Pahrump Pahrump Pahrump Pahurmp Pahrump!!!!!
on Oct 04, 2004
Jeez Gid, i had no idea you lived in Pahrump. I can see why you are looking foreward to getting out of that s**thole town!

Good luck man!
on Oct 04, 2004

The insane thing about this town is, rent for a 3-4 bedroom place is usually over $1100 a month, or you're living in a dump, while the average wages are about $6.50-7.00/hr.

You do the math.