Well, I finished my weekly work assignment at 5:00 today, so I will get paid for 31 hours tomorrow. This means we'll have some money around the house. It also means, unfortunately, that I can't go into Vegas tomorrow as I had planned for extra work, because I need to collect my check from the day labor here in town, and they don't open until 8 (If I'm not at the day labor in Vegas by 5:30 am, I can only hope to be put on "standby" in case someone doesn't show up).
There are a couple of hopeful job leads in Wednesday's paper; because of work I haven't been able to followup. One, though, is for a substitute cusodian with the school district; I'm going to try to pull some strings to get in there (you pretty much have to know someone to get hired with the district). The other paper comes tomorrow, so I'm hoping it has some good leads as well. It would be nice to find full time work again, at any price.
I'm also going to call Wisconsin unemployment tomorrow. The fact that they have rendered NO decision in over three weeks is unexcusable; even if they initially declined me, I should be able to work on my appeal by now.
Still no eviction notice, which is surprising, as this landlord is notorious for being impatient. I am just hoping that by some miraculous turn of events, we can actually find the money to pay the rent and late fees, as I would love to be able to reward him for his tolerance. It's not likely, though, especially without unemployment.
I'm happy to report that I am not as sore as yesterday either.
signing off,
Gideon MacLeish