Gideon the "hater" is at it again.
On another post, I made a response about how the whole thing of insisting on keeping separate last names was "watering down marriage". I stated it, and I continue to believe it. More on this later, after I discuss what I did NOT say. I did NOT say the couple HAD to take the husband's last name, I did NOT say that the couple could not agree on a mutual hyphenated name, and lastly, and most importantly in this aspect, I did NOT say one single word, one way or another, about gay marriage.
And yet, I was accused of believing that gay marriage waters down marriage and of supporting patriarchy.
I will put a qualifier on that last one: I DO support patriarchy when it is part of a relationship that consenting adults VOLUNTARILY enter into. I am disgusted at the feminazi movement that devalues stay at home mothers and teaches them that their contributions to society are somehow not valued. It's deplorable, and frankly, it is the ANTITHESIS of true feminism. And this is what that particular brand of feminism does, in implying that a woman married to a husband and CHOOSING a patriarchal lifestyle is somehow less or oppressed because of it. I feel that women who are FORCED into the workforce by husbands that won't even try to support a family are FAR more oppressed.
What I said, and what I stand behind 100%, was to the effect that marriage is not about two separate people living together, it is about two becoming ONE. A simple understanding of the etymology of the word "marriage" will make it clear that this was its original meaning. It is about a partnership (which, I would respond to feminists, does not function properly if one side is unequal), it is NOT about two ships docking in the same port. If you aren't willing to "surrender" some of your identity to be a PART of a marriage relationship, perhaps marriage isn't your cup of tea. An over 50% divorce rate indicates to me there are some folks getting married that probably weren't cut out for it.
So, get on your bandwagon, burn your bra, I don't care. I will support your right to speak freely, and will also support your rights to be treated equally and to be paid equally. But I will NOT support your rights to come to me and MY family and make value judgements on OUR lifestyle. Nor will I support that right as regards any other family save your own.
signing off,
Gideon MacLeish