The journey from there to here
Those who read my blogs regularly know that I am very outspoken about the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository that the government has been working for years to open in southern Nevada. It is a congressional boondoggle that has received or been promised over $1 billion in federal monies for the long term storage of nuclear waste.

One of the chief selling points by the advocates of Yucca Mountain is the unlikelihood of seismic activity on the fault line upon which Yucca Mountain is positioned.

While stopping by on the drudge report, I noticed a link about a 5.5 magnitude quake on the cal/nevada border. Seeing as how I LIVE on the cal/nevada border, I followed it. What I noticed can be found in the following (I'll try first to insert the map as an image, but I don't know how to get it to work).


What you are looking at is a slightly enlarged map of the original site. The blue and red squares represent quakes around the area where the recent quake hit. You will notice, about 100 miles to the east of the major quakes, the town of Tonopah. Tonopah is the county seat of Nye County, and is approximately 120 miles away from the Yucca Mountain site. This puts the quakes epicenter at about 220 miles from Yucca Mountain.

But wait. There's more.

The little yellow squares closer in to Tonopah, both to the north and the south are very small magnitude quakes, too small, in fact, to be felt without the proper equipment. But they represent seismic activity, nonetheless, along a fault line where there is not supposed to BE any seismic activity.

Yucca Mountain is not just Nevada's problem. If, somehow, the nuclear waste were released into the area, it could quickly become EVERYONE'S problem. And I think the very real questions of seismic stability need to be researched further.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Sep 18, 2004
Just posting the picture so everyone can see it on your blog.

on Sep 19, 2004
As I once said, send nuke waste to the moon.
on Sep 19, 2004
Ah... the moon... the answer to the worlds problems!
