The journey from there to here
Published on September 17, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events
Well, I stated the other day that I have an idea to help the poor...and I do. Many of you have responded, many have the information now. Well, the domain is parked, so I can officially release the proposal (enough people have seen it that I won't have any problem defending it as my concept, so I'm not as worried about it at this point). And so, without further ado, here it is (This is a rough draft, remember. Still much work to be done):

Canning Poverty – A Proposal

In the wake of our recent circumstances, I have had many people emailing me asking “What can we do?” They want to help but are on fairly fixed incomes themselves. Well, I think I might have a way they can help that will cost nothing but their time (and a little outlay for the domain name registration).

The idea is I have checked, and the domain name is, at the moment, available. We would set up coordinators in different communities to take donations and deliver them to the local recycling facility. The payment would be deposited in a paypal account for use by the organization.

What we would do

The money collected by would be used, after administration, towards the following:

*Relocation grants for families who have job offers in other areas but are unable to afford to move.

*Small business startup grants.

*”Urban homesteading” programs to encourage home ownership in the inner city.

*Emergency temporary relief.

*Other assistance as determined by a board of directors.


My goal is to have set up as a nonprofit, with the following board positions:

*Chairman – myself

*Secretary – someone with the organizational skills to handle the paperwork

*Treasurer – someone with money skills to handle the incoming donations

*Web designer – someone with computer knowledge who can assemble a webpage

*Media contact – all board members would meet with media, however, this person would organize all contacts to avoid scheduling conflicts.


*There are 300 million people in the US. In my community, I receive approximately 1 and a half cents per can. If we received an average of 1 can per man woman and child in this country per year, that would be a $4.5 million/year operating budget. 1 can per man woman and child per month would be a $50 million/year operating budget. We would, of course, take other recyclables depending on what the centers in the community will accept, but the focus will initially be on aluminum cans.

There’s a strong potential here to make a difference.

Respectfully submitted,

Gideon MacLeish

on Sep 17, 2004
Well Done, Gideon, for taking another step from 'Thought' to 'Plan' and truimphantly onto 'Action'.....
on Sep 17, 2004
Awesome Idea!!!! Many areas offer considerably more for recycling, too. I've been surprised at how many places do not have recycling programs set up. Please keep us updated on progress. btw, need a secretary?
on Sep 17, 2004

This is what we've done so far: 

I bought the domain name ''.

We're working out the bugs in getting people access to the site and are trying to get started building a web site. 

I've looked at getting incorporated as a non-profit organization (that'll help with taxes etc) and we can do that fairly cheaply.  The only thing we have to decide is which state we want to be based in.

As far as I know, Xtine is treasurer, I'm media contact, Wise Fawn is web design...but of course, those positions aren't exclusive to one person.

If you're interested in helping, please let Gid or myself know.  You don't have to be a board member, you can simply collect cans yourself and turn them in.  Every little bit helps......

 We need a business advisor. Someone who's been through the process themselves, and can guide us a little bit, make us aware of potential problems before we get blindsided.  I have someone in mind......

on Sep 17, 2004
If there is anything that can be done from England, then I would be more than happy to help. I'm just catching up on all this at the moment...
on Sep 17, 2004
Bumping this one too. I'm working on the web page for
on Sep 17, 2004
Sounds fantastic gang. I am still waiting to hear back from the folks I have contacted, but I will let you all know as soon as I hear anything.
on Sep 17, 2004
Gideon, good idea old chap. I hope your cut will be substantial.

You have learnt a lot from me and my Maxwellian philosophy. It is so easy to profit from the misguided donating to charity that it sometimes feels like taking candy from a baby. But profit is profit!
on Sep 17, 2004
Wisefawm, I sent dharma a rough graphic that I pulled together rather quickly. If you would like that, or would like any assistance with graphics, I'd be willing to help there. Just let me know!

on Sep 17, 2004
xtine- How wonderful! I'd love it. You should have my email addresss on one from Gideon. I'm the one on AOL.
on Sep 17, 2004
WF:You've got mail.
on Sep 17, 2004

WF: from me too.  Sorry I didn't pass it on sooner... ..

SPM: I thought that you had gone.  I see you're still here.

on Sep 18, 2004
wow, what an idea!!! And Pay Pal is a good way to do it. I have to make this a fav to read again so I can ponder it some more.
on Sep 18, 2004
xtine- I loved your graphic! You are very talented.
dharmagrl - I never received your email. Both Gideon and I are having trouble accessing the web page to build it.

This is such a great idea!