The journey from there to here
Published on September 15, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
Down and Out in America 9/14/04 – entry 2

This is my first entry from a word document to my blog; my internet cancelled out about 9 pm. I decided not to go into Vegas tomorrow, I’m giving the day labor in town another chance. It’s $20 worth of gas for the trip, and the perils of sleeping at the truck stop potentially outweigh the benefits, and most importantly, it’s 10 pm and I still can’t sleep (I would need to be up at 3). I can’t go to the homeless shelter either, as the car (borrowed) could very likely be vandalized or stolen; not a very good use of someone else’s resources on my part.

So, the game plan for tomorrow is this: up at 6, go to the donut shop and speak to the owner, see if I can’t get her to give me even 4 hours a week…something, ANYTHING. Then, home to sit by the phone all day with a stop for the twice-weekly paper (which comes on Wednesday and Friday). It won’t leave me much time for can hunting, but I figure if I don’t get a call from the day labor, I’ll get right to can hunting at 5 pm (when the day labor closes), and work until sunset (a little after 7 pm). In all likelihood, this blog won’t be posted until sometime after it is written; if I get into Vegas on Thursday and Friday, I may post it from Kinko’s; the last blog posted in sequence will probably tell you as much.

We may be able to make payment arrangements on a minivan. While the transmission on the van’s in bad shape, it’s something that would be large enough for us to live out of, which is priority number 1. Once we get the eviction notice, I may have to work 5 days straight in Vegas without coming home.

I did look at the possibility of working at the resort in Death Valley; unfortunately, they don’t offer accommodations for the family. If I could get my wife and the kids squared away, I may take it; a job’s a job, and, frankly, scrubbing dishes at a tourist trap in Death Valley is better than nothing.

I do appreciate the encouraging words from you, my fellow bloggers. We have been sustained by your prayers and support, and can’t thank you enough.

I know, to some, that this series looks like one big pity trip; it’s not. I started and continue this as my own personal journal, but decided to give you, the reader, some insight. I may utilize what I have written towards a larger work eventually.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Sep 15, 2004
Wow, Gideon. You are an amazing man. God bless you.