The journey from there to here
Published on September 14, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
The phone will be shut off on Friday. The internet's due to be shut off whenever the ISP gets around to it.

The "day labor" around here is a joke, only one that is becoming less and less funny as time progresses. I had to sit around all day waiting for a phone call that never came instead of trying to hustle a job or collect cans. This means I wasted another day at a time when I don't have a day to waste.

Still no unemployment check. I think it's safe to assume at this point that there will BE no unemployment check. Still no notification of a change in decision on TANF. I think that's safe to assume as well. I'm driving into Vegas tomorrow to work day labor there (if I'm there by 5:30 am, they'll have work for me), and then I will stay overnight at the truck stop and work Thursday as well. We have to get some revenue into the house, and a thorough search of the house has yielded only two things that can be pawned, for a combined total of about $50. The computer's not one of them, as it has very little value (6 years old, 466 mhz celeron processor, 64 mb RAM). Once we're officially homeless and don't need them anymore, we will sell the refrigerator and washer and dryer as well. But we're holding out on those because we need them at this moment and they won't sell for enough money to pay the rent anyway.

The girls are being troopers; they are aware at this point that they're likely going to have to make some difficult choices as to which of their toys and clothes are worth keeping (unless we can afford to get a storage shed; a car takes higher priority than that, though). They're having to make the kind of tough choices I never wanted to inflict on my kids; to work so hard over the years only to have it all come down to this is devastating. I don't consider myself "brave" at this point; I'm barely hanging on here and doing what I have to to survive. This has been an enriching experience nonetheless, as I further begin to understand mentalities you can't understand unless you're in this situation. I'm really not in much of a mood to write, but this record is far too important for me to neglect.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Sep 15, 2004
I'm sorry that you and your family have to go through this. I hope things get better for you. Will be praying. Just remember, God uses the hard times for His glory, or at least that's what I've found.

on Sep 15, 2004
It seems the Grapes of Wrath has returned, thanks to an insensitive administration.
on Sep 15, 2004
Life sucks. What you gonna do? I've been homeless before (though never with a wife and kids made hostage to my misfortune). I scrabbled and scraped my way back to another life (not much of a life lol but at least my own) only to watch that disappear in flames too. Which is why I'm here in America, starting from scratch again.

Life is hard. Bear with it, don't give up (no matter how bad it gets) and things will turn around. I have a new wife, a new job, somewhere to go, and for the first time - people who are willing to help out (already to the tune of several thousand dollars) to get me started. That side of things is finally drawing to a close. It's hard going up and down someone else's stairs, harder still to eat bread and salt that you haven't worked for. But that will soon be over and my life back in my hands, for good or ill.

Hey, if it can happen for me, it can happen for you.

Good luck.
on Sep 15, 2004
Gideon, I have been reading your down and out articles today to get caught up on you. It is so true that you never really understand until you go through it yourself. The situation you are in right now is what motivates me on a daily basis. Motivates me to be an activist, to campaign against Bush, to write, to do anything I can.

I wish with all of my heart that I could just offer you a home. I hope you have appealed the TANF decision. Catholics and Lutherans are good at helping without too much judgment. Salvation Army, Community Action. I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this.

The pawn shops have turned into a big business and they are really getting bad at what they accept now. We bought a tent and two little lanterns at an OddLots to stay at campgrounds, but they turned out to be more expensive than I'd thought. I'm rambling because I am pissed and sorry. I have helped many young women get TANF and services that they need. But you are so far away.

Have you considered writing letters to your local paper and to your mayor and governor? Sometimes it is amazing what a little bit of publicity can do, even though these days there is not as much sympathy, there is starting to be more awareness. I know of a few commune like places and a place that started as a homestead. There are still homestead laws in place in certain areas. But they are all in the East. One is not that far from me. I'd like to start one of my own for homeless families.

I'm sorry to ramble. You are so in my thoughts and prayers. Last year, I was homeless. I am sitting here now rebuilding our lives. You are doing everything you can and are a wonderful father and husband. You will rise above this. I am going hunting for your email.

on Sep 15, 2004


on Sep 15, 2004
OK, I'm having trouble finding my links. I had a link about there still being actual, old time like homesteading still in Wyoming, but I can't find it. But you can find cheap land and go the way above to start off with. I'm sure tht seems far fetched to you at this point. I'm just distressed by your situation.
on Sep 15, 2004

Have you considered writing letters to your local paper and to your mayor and governor?

I did that, WF...would you like to help me? I emailed the Vegas Sun and the RJ....perhaps if you emailed them too we might get some attention.  I'll try and email the mayor's office, but I doubt that's going to get very far....

If you'd like to 'talk' about this away from the Ju spotlight, my email address is . I'm frustrated to...I'm furious that the system that is in place to help people is failing, and is failing miserably.