The journey from there to here
Am I the only one who's starting to think WalMart's set on deliberately pissing people off?

WalMart is currently building a Bodega Aurrera, a unit of WalMart, on the edge of Teotihuacan, a major archeaological site on the outskirts of Mexico City. The store will be visible from the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, a prominent feature of the skyline for over 2,000 years.

Personally, I'm all for a capitalist society, but we've raped and pillaged indigenous culture on this continent for 500 years...enough is enough. I'm sure WalMart, with their resources, could procure land that wasn't as deliberately offensive.

Anyway, maybe we'll get lucky and WalMart will awaken one of the Aztec gods.

on Sep 12, 2004
That is disturbing, like seeing a nun get punched in the face...yep, that bad.
on Sep 12, 2004
I am sure there are some people who went to Catholic school who wouldn't mind seeing a nun get punched in the face....

That being said, the Wal-Mart plan... I have a feeling things are not going to go as smoothly as they had hoped....
on Sep 12, 2004
Gideon: No surprise there . . . Link

We have a Walmart forging ahead with construction despite the fact that they have found a gravesite under the area they are building . . . AND the fact that there is a chance that the remains belong to ancient Hawaiians . . . AND the fact that the site has a bit of cultural significance and reverence with native Hawaiians.
on Sep 12, 2004
Did the aztecs ever sacrifice greeters to the Catfur ranchers? We can only hope.
on Sep 12, 2004
Well, we all know that Wal-Mart has continued the Aztecs draconian legal code as part of their companies employee policies, so perhaps it is a good fit for both monuments to civilization.
on Sep 12, 2004
Personally, I'm all for a capitalist society,
Well I'm all for drinking clean water, but that doesn't mean I'd enjoy 40 tubes pumping it into every orifice of my body. Man, what's with me and these analogies? I guess the point is, just about anything in excess is dangerous, and very few things are inherently good themselves without limits.

on Sep 12, 2004
but that doesn't mean I'd enjoy 40 tubes pumping it into every orifice of my body

Well, you don't know until you try it
on Sep 12, 2004
I think it makes it easier to get some bottled water when you see the Aztec Ruins

Joking, and you know Standards and Practices would not allow a nun to be punched, unless her head came off and out came a rainbow, S&P love to keep the funny jokes from the us, the viewers.
on Sep 12, 2004
Personally, I'm all for a capitalist society


That there's what's known as a "qualifier"; the rest of the sentence was the point I was trying to make.
on Sep 13, 2004
I'm just saying that it's hard to say I'm all for anything because of all the required disclaimers that need to follow as in the case you just mentioned.
on Sep 13, 2004
Yeah, I was just in a sarcastic mood, I guess.

Part of the problem with the WalMart thing, though, is they're not even good capitalists. A good capitalist would pay their good employees well, to keep them from going to the competition, and would be sensitive to things like this because of their corporate image.
on Sep 13, 2004
I'm sorry but I have to say that this is just bullshit - does Mexico really need more crap to buy?
on Sep 13, 2004
Not to mention - having a big crap store right in the middle of such a location...sorry i cant post longer responses I have to get to a meeting - work is hard, hard is work

on Sep 14, 2004
Yeah, I was just in a sarcastic mood, I guess.Part of the problem with the WalMart thing, though, is they're not even good capitalists. A good capitalist would pay their good employees well, to keep them from going to the competition, and would be sensitive to things like this because of their corporate image.

Sorry Gideon but I disagree. A "moral" capitalist may act in the way you describe, but I'm not convinced that a "good" capitalist needs to act this way. Wallmart is a good capitalist by eliminating all the competition so their workers have no where else to go and being one of the biggest turn-around employers in the world they will always have someone to fill a gap left behind by someone who leaves. Corporate Image? Come on, Americans generally know how bad corporations treat their employees, the environment, etc..but that has never stopped them from wanting the latest Nikes or GAP clothes, or turning down the low prices offered by Walmart.

Economists will often tell you that there is no moral or immoral decision in the realm of business, there is only rational and irrational. I think this is crap. Clearly one can make a rational and immoral decision simultaneously....these are not mutually exclusive.