The journey from there to here
Published on September 10, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging
This is a vent. This is only a vent.

I will first have to admit to being in a pissy mood due to circumstances unrelated to blogging. As much as I try, though, I cannot set aside the external situations for blogging. Perhaps this pissy mood has made me extra sensitive.

Those who read my blogs regularly know I run about 80% op/ed in my posts. When I do put something out as fact, though, I try very hard to find solid, objective information as a foundation of my piece.

And such it was with my blog on the hard facts of Islam and terrorism. I KNOW places where I could have found very biased research to show that the average Muslim is a murderous thug, but I avoided those places, because I wanted a true objective analysis. And I stand by what I provided in the final cut. While it may not have been as thorough as some like, it did bring out some interesting research and challenges. Furthermore, it actually painted a picture of Islam that is far less violent than we have been led to believe.

I did not rally anyone to violence against Islam, in fact, in one of my replies, I noted that terror attacks were undertaken by about .0001% of the Muslim population; and mentioned that, if compared to the US population, it would be about the same as a church of 300 undertaking terrorist attacks.

And then comes the flame.

A new blogger, apparently under the impression that the best way to make a name for himself is to attack all of us other bloggers, denounces me as a bigot, very publicly and very specifically (by linking the article in his blog).

Folks, I don't care what mood I'm in, that's a charge that stings. Because nothing could be further from the truth.

And so, I thought, what sort of defense do I rally? I could point him to the fact that I was spending 10 hours a week writing letters for Amnesty International while most of my peers were trying to beat "Pitfall". I could point him to the fact that I stood up against the School of the Americas in 1985, when most people didn't know what that WAS. I could point him to the fact that I worked very hard within my school to raise concern for the wrongness of apartheid throughout much of my junior and senior years in high school. I could point him to literally dozens of things I have done in about 20 years as an activist to COMBAT the very bigotry of which I have been accused.

But, I realized, it would be pointless. He has judged me off of a small percentage of my work, without speaking with me and understanding my position.

Am I the only one that sees the irony here?

on Sep 10, 2004
Gideon: I read his article and your response. Your reaction was 100% warranted and appropriate. I left his thread alone because I did not want to reward him for his ignorant, childish attack with the points he was seeking, though the desire was strong to blast him for the attack he directed at you. He sure picked a great way to introduce himself to us, didn't he?
on Sep 10, 2004
Gideon: You need not have wasted your time writing this blog to counter his arguments.
We have come to know you and what you stand for well on JoeUser.

He sure picked a great way to introduce himself to us, didn't he?

TW: He sure has.
on Sep 10, 2004
I read the article that you wrote about Islam and terrorism, and I didn't find it biased at all. I haven't read his response, but I have to say that I am surprised to hear that he took offense to it. I thought that you took considerable care to ensure that you gave a well-rounded comment on the subject.
on Sep 10, 2004
Gideon... no need to reply to that ignorant guys accusations. You are NOT a bigot... you know it and those of us that know you know it. That's all that matters!
on Sep 10, 2004
Thanks, guys. The accusation just hit me quite hard, as I had worked diligently to create an objective article. It is funny, though, when I think of other bloggers who have lamented that people complain first because they don't provide enough research, then, when they do provide research, complain about the research they provide.

Oh, well, I feel somewhat better now, but it was still a punch below the belt and without merit. But it's done with, so I will let it rest.
on Sep 10, 2004

Oh, well, I feel somewhat better now, but it was still a punch below the belt and without merit. But it's done with, so I will let it rest.
Good for you Gid.  It is always easier to tell yourself to not let someone get you upset than to actually control what you are feeling.  That is exactly why I have resorted to a couple of temporary blacklists in the past.  You can tell yourself "it isn't true" or "consider the source" all day long but that sort of thing can still leave you tense and in a crappy mood at the end of the day.

You write quality stuff Gid and you are so far from being a bigot that it is quite laughable. 

Best wishes.

on Sep 10, 2004
It's interesting to note that he now says he pulled the article because he "didn't want to write a hate blog".

I have to wonder, though, if my thanking him for steering traffic to the article had any influence on it?