The journey from there to here
The question has risen repeatedly on joeuser and around the world as to the culpability of Islam as a faith in terror attacks around the globe. Although the information presented below will not put the debate to rest, I pulled it from hard firsthand sources and not from thirdhand information that interprets the data. I am giving you the information below and the source of my facts, and I invite you to examine the data for yourself. I present, from the data I have gleaned that, while Islam is not to be construed as a terrorist faith, the terror attacks around the globe have disproportionately had Islamic based militants as their source and should be actively decried by the honest God-fearing Muslim community.

I searched for a statistic on the number of Muslims around the globe, and the best I could find was a statement asserting that the estimates vary greatly, somewhere between 700 million and 1.2 billion Muslims. Knowing how these statistics skew to the bias of the presenter, we will accept a statistical mean of 1billion Muslims, roughly 16 percent of the world's population.

Below are the terrorism numbers from 1968-2004, as complete as I can make them.

year international terrorism
(U.S. DOS figures) int'l. and domestic terrorism
(RAND/MIPT figures)
incidents fatalities injuries incidents fatalities injuries
1968 124 34 132 32 191
1969 189 55 155 12 110
1970 300 128 215 105 161
1971 241 35 150 66 91
1972 528 147 171 191 166
1973 323 120 193 72 504
1974 429 304 237 229 690
1975 349 258 221 102 556
1976 468 406 325 346 805
1977 428 245 242 80 299
1978 544 438 242 263 405
1979 441 686 271 290 1,060
1980 499 486 268 156 332
1981 489 164 318 329 1,187
1982 500 129 384 188 637
1983 506 641 317 589 1,045
1984 565 329 326 182 502
1985 635 816 438 688 1,255
1986 612 591 379 346 1,221
1987 665 623 355 358 1,219
1988 605 643 1,131 377 593 1,869
1989 375 411 420 367 170 507
1990 437 218 302 121 366
1991 565 102 242 436 175 284
1992 363 91 636 310 154 751
1993 431 109 1,393 320 464 2,806
1994 322 314 663 333 397 1,088
1995 440 177 6,291 258 245 6,007
1996 296 314 2,911 246 551 2,957
1997 304 221 693 192 266 946
1998 274 741 5,953 1,265 2,149 8,079
1999 395 233 706 1,148 822 2,074
2000 426 405 800 1,138 776 2,537
2001 355 3,295 2,283 1,732 4,643 3,954
2002 205 725 2,013 2,645 2,709 6,708
2003 208 625 3,646 1,772 1,946 5,367
2004 588 1,441 2,935


According to the Emergency Response and Research Institute, Islamic terrorists accounted for 56 percent of all terrorist attacks in 2002 (the latest year for which I could find full year stats)( A further analysis available from the ERRI 2002 report (available at the site mentioned in this paragraph), breaks down the terror attacks by nation, and analyzes them more thoroughly. As this was a .pdf file, I was unable to copy/paste the research, and all statistics herein are hand copied.

Terrorism for the purposes of this blog is defined using ERRI's definition, as follows:

terrorism--premeditated politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience

So, the facts we have here:

*The Muslim community represents anywhere between 16-22% of the world's population
*56 percent of all terrorist attacks in the most recent year studied were perpetrated by Muslims
*The total number of terror attacks suggest they are perpetrated by a MINORITY of the Islamic community.

The percentages, however, should raise some very serious eyebrows. When factions from a religion representing 1/5 of the world's population commit over 1/2 of the world's terrorist attacks, we have to conclude that the faith, as a whole, is more frequently interpreted to the radical end of terrorism. It is important that the clerics who do not represent this interpretation of the Qu'ran speak out and decry these acts, even where such denouncements may be politically unpopular. They need to cooperate with the international community in bringing these terrorists to justice, rather than offering them refuge. And they need to work together with people of all faiths towards creating a world of peace.

The Muslim world may be suspicious of us, but it is that suspicion that has created a wall behind which the terrorists hide. We need to work together to break down that world. Muslim clerics must own up to the culpability of those who would misuse the Qu'ran to their own violent end.

Some more facts from the ERRI report, just for general knowledge:

2001 terror attacks: 864
2002 terror attacks: 429

2001 civilians killed: 4739
2002 civilians killed: 1716

2001 civilians wounded: 3386
2002 civilians wounded: 4936

2001 Military/police/security killed: 586
2002 Military/police/security killed: 398

2001 Military/police/security wounded: 664
2002 Military/police/security wounded: 231

2001 Terrorists killed: 993
2002 Terrorists killed: 149

2001 Terrorists wounded: 110
2002 Terrorists wounded: 5

The official statistic for the number of wounded in the September 11 terrorist attacks is unavailable and not included in this total

respectfully submitted,

Gideon MacLeish

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 09, 2004
thanks cita...I couldn't translate it from the PDF file, and I actually spaced the columns out in my post. It just didn't come out that way in the end.
on Sep 09, 2004
Actually, the link you provided was to an HTML page; I just opened the page source and copy/pasted the table from there instead of copy/pasting from the browser window directly. Don't know why there's that big chunk of whitespace at the top, though.
on Sep 09, 2004
I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that a minority of muslims are sponsoring terrrorism when they are responisble for 56% of terrrest acts? I'm not disagreeing with it, obviously a billion Muslims could easily overwhelm every government on earth if they were all sworn terrest. Still, let us look at the facts, not the whimpy minded, sweet as can be, can't we all get along attitude. Thae fact is that over half of the mudering organizations that claim Islam as their religin, killing, no murdering women and childern in the name of their god. That god must be Satan, the distroyer himself. Maybe all Muslims are not terrorist, but by their religion alone they support the Islamic butchers, if by nothing else but their silince. But wait! Why don't we go to their holy book ans see what it says. For those of you who have high opinions but no knowledge let me explain, the lettering and numbers given before each quote is the verse designation from the evil unholy book of the Islamic religion, the Koran (Qur-an).

S.9.5 "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay The Pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, and beleaguer them, And lie in wait for them I every stratagem."
S.9.123 "O ye who believe! Fight the Unbelievers who are near to you, And let them find harshness In you:"
S.8.12 "Rember thy Lord inspired the angels: "I am with you: give Firmness to the Believers: I will instil terrro Into the hearts of the Unbleievers: Smite ye above their necks And smilte all their finger-tips off them."
S.5.82 "Strongest among men in enmity To the Believers wilt thou Find the Jews and Pagans; And nearest among them in love To the Believers wilt thou Find those who say, "We are Christians":
S.5.51 "O ye who believe Take not the Jews And the Christians For your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors To each other. And he Amongst you that turns to them is of them."
s.3.85 "If anyone desires A religion other than Islam Never will it be accepted Of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks O those who have lost."

The above is but a sample. There are many writings in the book of Islam that mention the Christian Savior and even his mother Maryam. They acknowledge the Messiah but not as the son of the Living God. The Koran recognizes the Holy Bible, the Book of the Christians and the Jews. They beleive and teach that the Jews deserve all the trouble they can give them because they went against the Book. While they, those of Islam, acknowledge the Book and the people of the Book (Jews) and even the teachings of the Messiah (They say he is just one of the great teachers) The contradictions to what the Book (Holy Bible) says, especially about the Messiah and His origin makes one of the Holy Books in error. As a Christian you would, you must, see the Koran as a book of the Devil. Muslims follow Satan, while they call everyone else people of Satan they are in fact his childern, perhaps unwittingly but all the same, they seek to take the kingdom by force and they murder, or are called to murder people not of their belief and all in the name of their god.

Yes, we all know the bloody history of the Christian Church, especially under the rule of the Catholic Church, but gues what, they were going against the principle taught by the Christian writings. Those murderers of old were killed millions in the name of their fals god as the Islam terrrist of today. The difference is, however, is that the people of the New Testament, of the Messiah, called by many, Christians, as instructed in love not hate. The Koran teaches hate, even forgiving lies, and the breaking of treaties when made with pagans or anyone outside of Islam. The Koran teaches the overthrow of everyone and by force, murder even. The Book of the Christian teaches just the opposite. To love your enemy, to do good to those that would do you harm, to wait patiently for the Kingdom of the Living God. It is not the job of the Christian to establish the Kingdom of God, how presumptuous of some, to think to do what the Creator God can do just by saying the Word.

Okay, enough, you say, can't we all just get along? No, not when you have evil teachings being read and followed by a billion people. The quiet ones are quietly supporting the terrorist of their faith. The wealthy among them feed money and hidden support to them. After all they are fighting to convert the whole world to Islam. Nest, to compare the Islamic murders with the State of Israel and the murders they have committed in what ever name they choose the big difference is that, and this is not realized by many, that Israel is 90% secular, and their moves against the Palestinians is much the same as military moves United States makes when threatened. Those of Israel are not sending out childern with bombs strapped to their bodies in the name of YHWH the god of Israel. So far this holy, unholy war is one sided. Only those of Islam have a battery of terrrorist ready to kill, murder and maim childern. How evil can you get. Palestinians? Their childern? What parent in their right mind would encourage their childern to go out and throw rocks at military personnel? Funny, why don't we see Israel childern throwing rocks back? Why aren't Christians sending Christian terrorist into the heart of the Arab states and do what they are attempting to do? Is it only me? Am I crazy to suggest that Islam is the religion of Satan?
on Sep 09, 2004
I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that a minority of muslims are sponsoring terrrorism when they are responisble for 56% of terrrest acts?

Because, out of a billion terrorists a year, the average 1000 (give or take) terror attacks committed per year averages out to .0001% of the Muslim population. That's one TEN THOUSANDTH of a percent. Percentage wise, it would be about the same as if a small (300 member) Southern Baptist church went on a rampage. That does not change the fact, though, that the Muslim community needs to own up for its culpability in these actions.
on Sep 09, 2004
Am I crazy to suggest that Islam is the religion of Satan?

No, not crazy, just bigoted and misinformed. It was my hope that some hard stats would assist your perspective slightly.
on Sep 09, 2004
s.3.85 "If anyone desires A religion other than Islam Never will it be accepted Of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks O those who have lost."

This is standard religious pap. Many religions (including Christianity) says that if you don't worship their guy, you're going to smell like cooked bacon.

S.8.12 "Rember thy Lord inspired the angels: "I am with you: give Firmness to the Believers: I will instil terrro Into the hearts of the Unbleievers: Smite ye above their necks And smilte all their finger-tips off them."

The Isralites were always asking God to smite this or that enemy. I don't see anything seriously out of place from the old testament.


on Sep 09, 2004
This is sort of a side note, but those ERRI facts--are there more years than just 2001 and 2002? I'm thinking that maybe 2001 skews the data a bit, but I have to admit that prior to it, terrorist attacks didn't mean much to me so I don't know if America's lost lives from 9/11 are comparable to lives lost elsewhere.

Thanks for the article.

on Sep 09, 2004

this was the 2002 report, the most recent available. They note in the article the drop between 2001 and 2002 of terrorist activity; their feeling was that it was an anomaly, as terror attacks had previously been trending upward.

Pardon my asking, but on what are you basing your feeling that 2001 skews the data? I guess you can question any statistic that gets put out there, but then, my question would have to be what, short of empirical proof, which is impossible to provide, would you consider to be authoritative?
on Sep 10, 2004

'The Isralites were always asking God to smite this or that enemy. I don't see anything seriously out of place from the old testament. '

The difference is that the Son of God came preaching love and forgiveness in the New Testament. Now, His advent was more recent, so like with any law, the updated version must be adhered to.
on Sep 10, 2004
I would like to apologise if you feel i'm trying to justify or apologise for muslim terrorists. I'm not. Just trying to highlight what I saw as a bias to the report, especially as it is very western in it's focus of terrorism. I'm especially not trying to accuse the US of any specific crimes.

My major objection was to the 56% figure being used. It included many 'acts of terrorism' that are domestic in nature and related to separatist or independence movements. This may just be showing that more muslims feel oppressed and are demanding freedom. I believe only terrorist acts that are truly international in scope or focus (against foreigners, by foreigners or by multinational groups) should be counted as international terrorism. This may indeed show an even higher muslim focus, but at least it removes domestic agendas from the equation.

Thank you for digging up the Amnesty international articles. I do indeed agree that they are unbiased and find the report very interesting. I think these gives a much more balanced outlook of the true nature of terrorism. There also are far less focussed on muslim related terrorism. A quick glance at the list for armed groups committing acts of violence (terrorists basically) shows that of 34 countries, 8 are muslim, 20 are catholic and 6 are other religions. 4 of the catholic/others have sizeable muslim minorities. So between 1/5 and 1/3 of all countries suffering terrorism can pin it on muslims. This paints a totally different picture than your first report does.

on Sep 10, 2004

I understand well your response. What I want people to understand, however, is that I worked very hard to find as objective information as I could find. There are sites that are biased against Islam that would give me even more skewed figures, and, frankly, I know where to find them. But this article is not about hate, as if you pare down the numbers I have given it makes it patently clear that Muslim terrorists are an infinitessimal minority even among their own faith. As I replied earlier, the percentages are the rough equivalent of a 300 member church going on a rampage in America.

I don't feel that asking the Muslim clerics to stand up to these monsters is out of line, anymore than I feel that asking Christians to stand up to atrocities committed by their own factions is wrong, any more than I feel that asking Israel to atone for the atrocities committed by their own factions is wrong.The fact is, while still small, the radical beliefs are growing among the young (who have a natural predisposition towards radicalism no matter what nation or religion they're a part of...), and by showing these children that the actions of these terrorists are not consistent with the teachings of Islam, they can at least hope to stem the tide of "new recruits" to these militant minorities.

This article is not against Islam. This article is encouraging Muslim clerics to take a hard look at a problem that is plaguing their faith and stand with us in denouncing it. That is in no way inciting hatred.

It included many 'acts of terrorism' that are domestic in nature and related to separatist or independence movements. This may just be showing that more muslims feel oppressed and are demanding freedom.

Two problems with this, Paul. The first is, where it included it in the Muslim population, it included it in other populations as well. This is why I can accept the figure. The second is, terrorism is still terrorism. If it is against combatants, it no longer fits the definition. I will continue to elaborate on my feelings in my response to the next sentence.

believe only terrorist acts that are truly international in scope or focus (against foreigners, by foreigners or by multinational groups) should be counted as international terrorism.

I have a big problem with this. By this definition, Oklahoma City wouldn't be terrorism. Abortion clinic bombings wouldn't be terrorism. Slaughtering 350 people in a Russian school wouldn't be terrorism.

Those are all terrorist acts, and they should be decried as such. We cannot limit our definition of terrorism so as to skew the numbers so broadly.

If the Muslim factions feel oppressed, I understand that. But in committing acts of terror against others, they become oppressors as well. The reason these monsters haven't had international support is that they've pretty much shown what they will do with power once they obtain it. Remember what happened when we supported an "oppressed faction" called the Taliban against their Russian oppressors? What happened, as is often the case in revolutions, is that the resulting government was worse than the government it supplanted.

I do welcome your thoughts, Paul, but I also ask you to be open to the fact that if we are to root out terrorism, we need to be honest about its source. The 56% figure still leaves 44% unaccounted for, whose source needs to be revealed and dealt with. Unfortunately, the article cited did not provide that figure.

on Sep 10, 2004
Gideon and Muggaz.....
Thanks for the statistics you both presented.
on Sep 10, 2004
Regarding Islam as a satanic religion. 1. Read Salman Rushdie's Book "Satanic Verses of the Koran" 2. Look at biblical history, the war against the jews and arabs is millenia long. The Arabs believe Ishmael was the favored son while Jews and Christians believe it was Isaac. 3. Islam is a counterfeit version of Christianity based on the ramblings of a power crazed "mullah" 4. The ancestoral line of arabs are the ammonites, egyptians, amorites, moabites, edomites, and the Amalekites. All of whom worshipped demonic apparations of stone. Many of the these pagan belief systems have made their way into Islam. So....yes, i believe, historically that Islam can be traced to a Satanic belief system. Not biggotted, just swayed by historical fact.
on Sep 10, 2004
good article Gideon and good research....
on Sep 10, 2004

Regarding Islam as a satanic religion.

Teacher, that is blatant smacktardism. And yes you are in fact a bigot.

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