We are writing to you, who have entered our database as third party voters, to recognize the futility of your efforts. The system of voting in the United States is set up as a two party system, and it will remain so despite your fervent efforts to have it otherwise.
A vote for a third party is a wasted vote; you would do as well staying home on election day. The candidates of the two leading parties have proven themselves to be the best qualified, most intelligent candidates to lead this nation and your vote as a voter should reflect that. The platform of your candidate is far too radical to elicit mainstream appeal.
In keeping with these thoughts, I implore you to discard your vote for your "third party" Republican candidate, Abraham Lincoln, and vote instead for the Democratic or Whig tickets.
September 1860
(note: this was not an actual memo, just written to prove a point)
Gideon MacLeish