The journey from there to here
Published on September 3, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics
This year will be the 5th presidential election in which I have voted. And it will be the first in which I will not vote for a major party.

I watched the Democratic party primaries with genuine interest, hoping they could produce a centrist candidate that I could reasonably support. What they gave us, however, was John Kerry, who, in my opinion, is giving excellent lessons in how to lose an election.

Barring a remarkable turnaround (basically, he'll have to win all three debates, in my opinion), Kerry has failed consistently to campaign on the issues. And most importantly, he has lacked a vision. Bill Clinton, for all the Republicans dislike about him, had a vision. Bush 2.0, for all the Democrats dislike about him, had a vision. If Kerry has a vision, he has failed to clearly present that vision to us, choosing instead to focus on what he perceives to be the failures of the Bush administration.

On the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository, Kerry has taken a stand against it. But he has failed to express his support for any alternative plan for disposal/storage of the nuclear waste, making many Nevadans quite cynical about the sincerity of his opposition.

On the war in Iraq, he has expressed opposition, but he has failed to clearly outline his exit strategy. I am no military strategist, but I know that abandoning the country without a clear exit strategy is an invitation to chaos and further terror. What's done is done in Iraq, and we need to focus on cleanup.

On education, he has promised 500,000 new teachers, but he has not clearly outlined how he intends to have 500,000 new teachers trained and ready to begin accepting work assignments quickly. He has outlined how he will pay for them (more taxes for the rich), but that is about all he has done).

I have heard a consistent plea for Kerry to campaign on the issues; he has continued to turn a deaf ear to those pleas. It is not enough to want to be president; in doing that you simply share a dream with half of America's 10 year olds. No, you need to understand how to LEAD the country as well.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Sep 04, 2004
You said it a lot clearer than I could. Thank you.
on Sep 04, 2004
Thank you, lady, for you reply. It saddens me that voters have less of a choice in November than they ever had in my lifetime, at least.
on Sep 04, 2004
Very well stated. As far as I am concerned, the lack of a vision and the absence of a plan speak louder than any purple hearts..
on Sep 04, 2004
Very well stated. As far as I am concerned, the lack of a vision and the absence of a plan speak louder than any purple hearts..

Yes, they do. I'm still trying to figure out how this joker got through the primaries.
on Sep 04, 2004
Yes, they do. I'm still trying to figure out how this joker got through the primaries.

He gets super powers from the babies he eats . . . he uses his evil baby-eating powers to brainwash us . . . he knows that we really want to like him very badly, so he makes us not able to remember the stupid crap he says and the fact that he has no clue what he is doing . . .

It can be quite effective.
on Sep 04, 2004
Yes, and Fred Harteis is by far his favorite person to cook the babies...just the right mix of seasonings.
on Sep 04, 2004
Kerry worst problem is himself....while I am voting for Bush again....I some some disagreements on certain points....I know Bushs campaign issues....Frankly I dont think even Kerry knows his campaign line from the RNC was that Kerry would have to google his own name to find out where he stands currently on issues....and yes I watched the DNC convention...and was unimpressed and bored....I was just the opposite while I watched the RNC convention...wonder why?
on Sep 04, 2004
well, yes, the rhetoric from the RNC was better, but I'm unimpressed by rhetoric.
on Sep 05, 2004
Your stuff is good, Gideon. Keep it coming.

on Sep 05, 2004
I can only agree with your words. As in your reply to one of my articles, we need to get serious and soon about a third Party. A real legitimate Third Party.

Good Job Gideon