OK, I'm going to clearly outline this as an opinion piece, as there are some that have the trouble making the distinction between opinion and hard news. Feel free to disagree, but let's try to stay on topic, shall we?
We are a country that has lost our vision. With no clearly defined purpose, we have splintered off in separate directions and begun milling around, in desperate hope that a leader with a vision will be clearly defined and "rescue" us from ourselves. To that end, we have clung to pithy Hollywood presentations of pop philosophy, and embraced every half baked psychologist that cable TV can fit in their time slots. As a result, we have allowed ourselves to become divided, petty causeheads, embracing causes for the purpose of embracing causes and not because they hit home. This is not true of all Americans, but it is true of the majority, and the result is that those who DO have a clearly defined sense of purpose often find themselves islands in a raging torrent of confusion.
I submit that it is time for us to recapture our vision. The way we can go about this is by organizing and attending events that work to bring together our communities. By giving, an in doing so, giving hope to those we serve. By finding candidates with true ideals and not dirty politics to represent us in our city councils, our county commissions, our state assemblies, our governor's mansions, and ultimately, in Congress and the White House. By telling the status quo "no more", and by speaking out in every forum where we have a voice. We may not agree on our politics, but we SHOULD share a common vision: that of improving our lives and our communities.
This is not simply a call to volunteer; a mindless drone can stuff envelopes at the United Way office. This is a call to actively involve yourselves, take time to get to know your neighbor, reach out and heal old wounds and show others how to do the same. If we truly wish to see a better world, it starts at home.
respectfully submitted,
Gideon MacLeish