The journey from there to here
Published on September 3, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
Well, I got back from my job interview today, and I'm reasonably certain it went well.

The position is one as support staff for supported employment for the developmentally disabled (I'm immensely qualified). In addition to answering the standard questions flawlessly, I discussed plans that I had for implementing new supports programs and expansion of the agency. The way I see it, having a vision never hurts.

Now I'm just waiting for the phone to ring, so wish me luck.

on Sep 03, 2004

Best wishes Gid!  That is a tough field to be in.  Care for the Developmentally disabled is in dire need of trustworthy people who have the clients' best interests in mind.  I saw a lot of abuse in the homes I worked in.  Not physical abuse mind you, but abuse of resources meant for the clients.

You sound like a very decent person so I hope for the good of those people that you get the job.

on Sep 03, 2004
having a vision never hurts.

... unless it's at odds with the vision your interviewer has. Or it's something like "I see myself surrounded by succubi, in the skeleton of a skyscraper, and they're doing the hokey-pokey while reading Siddhartha."

Between this and the brothel, which are you hoping more for?
on Sep 03, 2004
Between this and the brothel, which are you hoping more for?

Frankly, I wouldn't mind getting both. I've already worked extensively in this field, so the brothel would expand my horizons more. But this would be the more certain route (although, that's the route I'm usually LEAST likely to take; I tend to prefer the road less travelled).
on Sep 03, 2004
Whatever you choose good luck.
btw: I finally found time to write a new blog and your comments would be appreciated.
on Sep 03, 2004
I see myself surrounded by succubi, in the skeleton of a skyscraper, and they're doing the hokey-pokey while reading Siddhartha."

If you get the other job, this might not be entirely impossible...
on Sep 04, 2004
Good luck Gideon! My prayers are with you.