The journey from there to here
Published on September 2, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
Well, I'm back from my job interview at the brothel. It's not too bad a gig if I can get it, although I'll have to cut my hair (history, maybe you need to email me that El DeBarge pic after all so I can take it to the Unfortunately, they did not have any openings for training the new girls (Gid didn't ask about the S&M room...Gid wants to forget that the S&M room is there!).

Anyway, he has other people to interview, but between tonight's interview and tomorrow it looks like I might be working again soon.

on Sep 02, 2004
Yay for you, Gideon . . . if this is the job you want, I hope you get it.
on Sep 02, 2004
GID??? Ya just lost your El DeBarge privilages!
on Sep 02, 2004
On the contrary. If I land this job, I am the DeBarge-est!

I may even have to get me a pimped out mid 70's caddy....
on Sep 02, 2004
Seems almost wrong that someone with such writing talents ends up in a brothel, however it may give you a new perspective on life.

on Sep 02, 2004

See, I think of my work history...mining, crutch making, laying out leach fields for septic lines, printing, and now possibly brothel...and I'm appreciating the extra realm of experience it may give me. As with mining, there are few people with the capacity and desire to communicate that will ever know about these parts of life...I see some incredibly cool potential here.

Steinbeck, eat your heart

and, thanks for the compliment. I do appreciate it.
on Sep 02, 2004
To further elaborate: when I managed the group homes for the developmentally disabled, I had an epiphany. One of the higher functioning clients was complaining about being on the board of the local ARC (formerly "association of retarded citizens", now renamed "advocating for rights and choices"), and I talked with him about how many people he knew, that he knew the day to day difficulties they had, that couldn't speak for themselves. When he agreed there were quite a few people that he knew like that, I explained to him that God gave him the gift of his voice so that he COULD speak for those people.

I feel that God gave me the ability to write for much the same reason. And this is why I can't settle down to a 9 to 5 career the rest of my life (and, it's my hope that whenever I'm able to write full time, I'll be to the point where I'm a damn good writer!)
on Sep 02, 2004
and, it's my hope that whenever I'm able to write full time, I'll be to the point where I'm a damn good writer!)

Gideon, I will second ramona's assertion . . . you are a damn good writer as it stands . . . although, I do think that your varied and interesting life and work experiences add to your appeal, your writing skills in and of themselves are top notch!
on Sep 03, 2004
Working in a brothel will definitely be fascinating. My cousin works as the receptionist for one of those places, and the stories she can tell about some of the clients... it's hilarious! You'll just have to get used to the terrible music and dubious smell.
on Sep 03, 2004
I was just ragging ya about not giving me credit for your new look Gid. I for one think that if you are offered this job, it could offer a unique perspective for your writing

. And just out of curiosity... What's a Leach line?
on Sep 03, 2004
A question. This brothel you mentioned, I mean is this legal? Is this just like a shop where a customer comes and selects the girl he wants or something? I thought you had places(allowed by the law) like this only in las Vegas, maybe I was wrong.
on Sep 03, 2004
So, what is the job duties etc?
I'm not quite clear on what your role will be?
on Sep 03, 2004
And just out of curiosity... What's a Leach line?

OK...a septic tank has an inlet and an outlet. The inlet carries the sewage from the house to the tank, and the tank breaks it down. The liquid waste (the effluent) carries out into the leach lines, where it leaches into the ground and continues to break down.

So, what is the job duties etc?
I'm not quite clear on what your role will be?

If I get the job, it would be security (eg, throwing out the bums that think it's cool to rough up the girls, etc), handyman, and basically cleaning up the place. I'm still lobbying for the position as cabana boy for the ladies, but I suppose I will have to work my way up. The DeBarge look should help me achive fulltime pimp status faster, though.

on Sep 03, 2004

if youll share the name of the brothel, ill see what i can locate in the way of previous osha violations    (this is the kind of career move that should guarantee you free business lunches for the rest of your life)