The journey from there to here
Published on September 2, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
OK, latest news in the Gideon search for a job saga is that I received a callback from the brothel and am going down there to interview tonight. I also have a job interview tomorrow that I have about a 95% certainty to nail, but I think working for a brothel could be a very interesting career to add to my resume.

I'll let you guys know how it goes after the interview.

on Sep 02, 2004
Interesting is an understatement my friend.....I suppose you are going to accept the position if it is offered and take the joint over?

I still think the El Debarge look is gonna work...I'm just sayin!
on Sep 02, 2004
Hey! H got an interview, too...hope it's not for the same brothel.

on Sep 02, 2004
OK, if I get this job working in the brothel, then I need to get a medical marijuana grower's card...I think at that point I get a free lifetime Libertarian Party membership! lol
on Sep 02, 2004
I also have a job interview tomorrow that I have about a 95% certainty to nail

are you sure that's all???

do you have to audition as well???
on Sep 02, 2004
umm, tomorrow's a seperate job interview...tonight's the one at the brothel!

I wonder if they can give me a job as "practice dummy" for the new girls (except NOT in the S&M room! Gid does NOT want to know more about the S&M room...nope! The tour was enough!)
on Sep 02, 2004
Yeah Gideon,
Now you don't have to move! Good Luck! Knock em stiff