The journey from there to here
Published on September 1, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
...I would like to see a day where there's more peace than war. While I'm not naive enough to think we would ever achieve total world peace, I'd like to see us at least make a noble attempt...

...I would like to see a day of equal opportunity, not necessarily equality. While we are all created equal, some people do a better job than others in being stewards of what they are given, and should be adequately rewarded...

...I would like to see a day when intelligent, thoughtful discussion replaces angry, contentious debate...

...I would like to see a day when we honor our veterans for the fact that they served, even if we disagree with the politics of the time in which they served...

...I would like to see a day when all presidential candidates have equal access and exposure for their platforms and Americans' perception isn't shaped by certain high profile biased media outlets...

...I would like to see a day when anybody who's willing to put for the effort can find gainful employment...

...I would like to see a day when we respect diversity...

...I would like to see a day when politicians don't care who's in your bed and why...

...I would like to see a day when we can look back at all of this and laugh...

respectfully submitted,

Gideon MacLeish

on Sep 01, 2004
>>...I would like to see a day when we can look back at all of this and laugh.

I think we probably would.

on Sep 01, 2004
I would like to see my ETS (discharge) date changed to tommorow.
on Sep 01, 2004
>> I would like to see a day when intelligent, thoughtful discussion replaces angry, contentious debate...

If we are robots that one might be possible. Far too many times I let my emotions get the better of me.
on Sep 01, 2004
This is a beautiful piece, Gideon. Thanks for sharing it.
on Sep 02, 2004
I would like to see more people want to see all those things you mention.
on Sep 02, 2004

id like to see without corrective lenses--especially when theyre all smeared up from falling asleep with my glasses on. 

other than that, all of the above.  

and, if im correct in thinking i havent seen ya around for a couple days, welcome back.

on Sep 02, 2004
Thanks for the replies, folks.

And king, yeah, I had a hard drive crash. Almost lost my #2 spot (and will probably be at #3 or 4 within the next coupla days, as mig's gaining ground behind me due to the lost