The journey from there to here
Published on August 28, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging
I am so proud...

One of the featured bloggers in my "A Blogger You all Should Know" series has cracked the JU top 20 blog sites. Texaswahine, who we all know and love, has earned that distinction. I don't know if my article had any impact on that, but I'd certainly like to think it didn't hurt.

I started the series in response to the JU drama; instead of badmouthing people who pissed us off, I figured, why not help new bloggers get established and get recognition on the site? I am pleased to see it being successful. I feel like Yoda to Texas' Luke...Mr. Miyagi to her Karate Kid...

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 29, 2004
Funny I came across this. I was just thinking about how I try to comment on new blogs but, later on, never seem to hear from them.

But hey, good on ya for the ones you're promoting. I'll keep trying, too.
on Aug 29, 2004
Funny I came across this. I was just thinking about how I try to comment on new blogs but, later on, never seem to hear from them

So it's you scaring all the traffic away Angloesque!!! damn you!!!

New bloggers are cool


on Aug 29, 2004
Yeah. Maybe I'm scary. Or stupid, and the new bloggers (heh, typed "bloogers") think, "What a dumbass. I don't want to be part of this site."

Damn. Maybe I should just leave.

*sulks in corner*
on Aug 30, 2004
Damn. Maybe I should just leave.

Well, if you are going to leave -you can at least throw your own pity party on your own blog site rather than having everyone who visits Gid feel sorry for you!!!

(Sorry for the hijack Gid - s'if you care )

Pfft... those new "bloogers" who leave on your account don't know what they are missing out on! dont sweat it!

on Aug 30, 2004

FINE. I'll go sulk on my own blog.

Er, yeah, sorry for the hijack, Gid. FWIW I do read the new blogs your promote, so ... [token attempt at getting back on the thread fails miserably.