The journey from there to here
Published on August 27, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging
Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.

In a response post to beebles' "Cows are Evil" Thread, I planned to post a hilarious sign holding smiley with a sign reading "don't feed the trolls". Unfortunately, I typed the url in wrong, and got his brother, an equally demonstrative smiley with a sign reading "I'm with your mom".

This completely changes the context of things.

For the record, I do not know beebles' mom, nor do I have sexual designs on her. I feel dirty, and condemned to wander the streets of Jerusalem yelling "unclean! unclean!" for my sin of insinuating an intended debauchery of beeble's maternal figure. I apologize wholeheartedly for this embarassing mistake.

And thus I must decree: death to the evil smilies that have brought this upon our heads. The lust of a JU mother must not go unpunished, and retribution must be enacted upon the obvious guilty party, the smilies!

signing off (tongue firmly planted in cheek),

Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 27, 2004
Naughty, naughty Gideon! Does Beebles' dad know about all this? . . .

. . . still can't get into the "new" smileys . . . they require far too much effort . . . and can make for hilarious mistakes as well . . .

on Aug 27, 2004
Ha ha ha! It was bluedev who started it!
on Aug 27, 2004
I'm begging for the love of God, Gid....let the smilies die!(:
on Aug 27, 2004
Ha ha ha! It was bluedev who started it!

why yes, yes it was.

Bluedev, you are therefore to report to a tribunal conducted by greywar, shadowwar, pseudosoldier, spc nbs, and geezer to defend yourself against the charge of crimes against humanity...
on Aug 27, 2004
Here's another smilie site I like:

on Aug 27, 2004
Bluedev, you are therefore to report to a tribunal conducted by greywar, shadowwar, pseudosoldier, spc nbs, and geezer to defend yourself against the charge of crimes against humanity

It's cool's cool. Besides, I'd never voluntarily do anything that required me to wear class A's.(dress uniform)