The journey from there to here
As I have alluded to in earlier posts, I come from a dysfunctional family.

This is probably the chief reason I feel "at home" on joeuser despite being utterly pissed off a decent percentage of the time.

The anonymity of this site gives us freedom to vent readily, sometimes before engaging our brain, and feelings get hurt. Once we put our brain in gear, however, things get back to normal.

The things we right are things about which we are passionate; and the responses we get are from people who are equally passionate. The fact that we're a diverse world, of diverse backgrounds, of diverse opinions, of diverse likes and dislikes, means we're going to have conflicts, some of them rather inflammatory. If I wrote a blog extolling the virtues of strawberry cheesecake ice cream and inferred in that article that all other flavors of ice cream sucked, the chocolate ice cream defenders (they're pretty militant, for the record...I live with 5 of them) would be quick to the punch, and mass blacklisting and namecalling would ensue. But that doesn't mean we're not both right (get offa my strawberry cheesecake, damn you!).

One of the things that makes joeuser work is that most of the bloggers ultimately realize that the other bloggers, though they may piss them off, do actually make the site a better place to be. After all, a flame war is gold to any respectable points whore, right?

In closing, I just want to say: I appreciate you. You help me keep my somewhat odd eccentricities in perspective (especially since some of you are more screwed up than I am).


Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 26, 2004
I suppose it really is true when they say that variety is the spice of life (though I always preferred oregano). It helps to make things interesting, allows us to open our minds, and hopefully connect with some really cool, really great people.
on Aug 26, 2004
I really believe that humans (especially the girls) have a separate stomach for ice-cream. I've never had strawberry cheesecake ice-cream but its sounds really good!!!! I think the chocolate ice-cream lovers in your house has more to do with the fact they're female and most females are inherantly drawn to chocolate then with their dislike for other flavours. I prefer Macadamia nut or cappuccino.

Great Analogy Gideon!!
on Aug 26, 2004
(though I always preferred oregano).

Oregano's an, have some cayenne for spice....hehe

!!!! I think the chocolate ice-cream lovers in your house has more to do with the fact they're female and most females are inherantly drawn to chocolate then with their dislike for other flavours.

Yeah, although one of them is more strawberry than chocolate...
on Aug 26, 2004
Good blog Gid...

I personally dont know why my mum bothered purchasing the neopolitan (choc, straw, van) ice cream because it would only be left with the pink and the white, and we would be screaming for more brown!!!

As for flame wars... some people seem to enjoy them more than others... It's all a bit draining when the flames are directed at you personally rather than the ideas, but people have their own blogs, and if they want do flame it up, good on them.

on Aug 26, 2004
No muggaz -- you have to mix the three together -- and make a pinky brown mushy mix (can you tell how much I LOVE cold rock!! )

We had to have equal amounts of all of them (which reminds me of the simpsons episode whe they have like 5 tubs of icecream and all the chocolate is gone but they put the tub back in and tell Marge they're out of ice-cream (or something like that)

bam indeed
on Aug 26, 2004
Oregano's an, have some cayenne for spice....hehe

Doh! What was I thinking???

*cowers in corner in shame*