The journey from there to here
ok, folks. Here's a topic for you. What are your favorite words that sound dirty but actually are not? Here are my submissions:




*Lake Titticaca

ok, now...let's hear yours

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages1 2 
on Aug 20, 2004




Well, that's all I have for now....
on Aug 20, 2004

... never fails to make me laugh
on Aug 20, 2004



aww! only can think of three!
on Aug 21, 2004
on Aug 21, 2004
hehe, great submissions, guys.

Any more?
on Aug 21, 2004
hissing, multilingual, horatio, pee-cock, hunt, .......
on Aug 21, 2004
abreast, penal, aural skills...

My mind's not fully awake yet, I'm sure there will be more later. This reminds me of one of my favorite games from college called Dirty Minds. They give you clues that sound as dirty as can be and you have to try to come up with the clean answer. Sometimes it was more fun to lose than to win.
on Aug 21, 2004
shitake (as in the mushroom), homogenized (?), maybe...pheasant plucker? morter forker? condominium?
on Aug 21, 2004
abreast, penal, aural skills...

How could I forget "penal"? lol


on Aug 21, 2004

How about titmouse? Or pelf?
on Aug 21, 2004
How about proper nouns? Lipshitz, Dilday, Chekov, Glascock, Dicky...
on Aug 21, 2004
ok, if we're getting into names here, then I have to mention my all time favorite. Though he's my favorite pitcher of all time, I have always thought "Randy Johnson" sounded like a slang term for a venereal disease.
on Aug 21, 2004
Anybody up for a juicy burger from Fuddrucker's?
on Aug 21, 2004
Favorite rank in the navy....seaman, once knew a Seaman Stain.....what was he thinking when he joined???
arabic for sugar cookie = cok sukar
and another army term, female privates
on Aug 21, 2004
hehe, spc...I bet you made it a point to address seaman stain by name everytime you could, eh?
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